100 Years Later...

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Generation of Miracles + Kagami p.o.v

"They put us on the wrong plane!" Growls Aomine angrily. "Who confuses Florida with the barren wasteland Alaska?!"

White snow and ice lay all around them. They were in the middle of a small tribe town. They had to walk 2 miles from the airport to reach sine sort of civilization.

"Someone is going to pay for this." States Akashi menacingly.

The rest of the GOM shiver at the thought of what Akashi will do to the poor chap who got thwir plane tickets messed up.

"Well we might as well make the best of this trip. It's not like it'll bother me or anything but the next flight isn't untill next week." Comments Midorima.

"What place has flights only once a week!" Screams Aomine.

"Calm down Aomicchi. Let's make the best of this and have fun!" Beams Kise. "Oh! I know. Let's get to meet some of the locals!"

"Do whatever you want." Says Akashi. "But for those who want to go to a warm room first, follow me."

Everyone besides Kise went with Akashi.

"Why is everyone so mean!" Whines Kise. "Wait for me!"

As Kise starts running to catch up to the others, he bumps into someone. "Ouch." Exclaims a voice.

"I'm so sorry!" Crises Kise. He looks down to see a young boy on the ground. He had... white hair? In his... interesting hair, was a basketball hairclip, and a white- red cap with a red K. The boy had strange eyes as well. A silver-reddish mixture. A white scarf covered his face up to his eyes. He wore a white kimono with a silver sash decorated with... snakes? He was also not wearing any shoes...

The boy looked up at Kise, got up, then ran away. 'Was it something I said?'

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