White haired kid + Gom (and Kagami) = disaster

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Gom +Kagami p.o.v

"Guys lets ask someone to give us a tour!" Exclaims Kise happily.

"Who, dummy." Replies Aomine. "We can't just go up to some stranger and just ask them. They might think we were robbers or something."

"I also think that would be awkward and rude." Agrees Midorima. "Although I don't really care either way."

"But we don't know where anything is!" Whines Kise.

"Although I hate to say it, Ryota is right." Remarks Akashi.

"Maybe I could help?"

All Gom members and Kagami turn around.

"Who said that?" Wonders Kagami.

"I did." Replies the voice of a child.

All the basketball players look down. They are greeted by the sight of a young boy. He had black hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a black parka, with matching pants and snow boots.

"And you are?" Questioned Akashi.

"I live here in the village. If you want, I could show you around the village." Offered the kid.

"You would? Guys we should let him show us around!" Shouts Kise excitedly.

"We would love to accept your offer..."

"We would love to accept your offer, Rei." Says Akashi over again.

"Ok then. Come with me."

15 minutes later

"And this is Kyian's house. He's the town's baker. He bakes every yummy thing you can think of. And that's the whole village." Ended Rei.

"Mmm~ I can smell it from here." Comments Murasakibara.

"Would you like to go in Atsushi? Asks Akashi.

"Can we?"

"We have time. Why not?" Answers Akashi.

Inside was like any normal village looking house, with the exception of a display area. In the display area were load of pastries, breads, etc. A wonderful aroma filled the air. Ding. "Cookies are done." Came a voice. Seconds later, a 20 something looking man came in to view.

"Hi Kyian." Rei greeted

"Hey Rei." Greeted Kyian while taking out the cookies.

After taking out the cookies he turned his attention to his visitors. "I know Rei doesn't have any secret brothers, and that you don't live in this village, so you people are?"

The man had bright red- orange hair. In contrast to his hair, his eyes were a cold icy blue.

"Visitors." Replied Akashi.

"Weird to get visitors around here." The man eyed them suspiciously.

"We got put on the wrong plane!" Cried Kise.

"I see." His face broke out into a grin. "That's a shame for you guys. Next flight isn't untill next week."

"Yeah, we heard about that at the airport. What place only has planes once a week!" Pouted Kise.

"Hahaha. Seems like the cold frontier of Alaska does." Laughed Kyian.

"Where's Tetsu?" Wondered Rei.

Tetsu. That name brought up old memories for all the basketball players.

"Tetsu?" Asked Aomine barely able to get the question out.

"Yeah! Tetsuya!" Rei seemed to light up at the mention of the name. "He lives here with Kyian."

"Hold on a sec, I think he's in his room. Tetsu!" Called Kyian.

In to view seconds later, comes the same kid Kise had ran into earlier.

"Your the one I accidentally bumped into earlier!" Exclaimed Kise. "You ran off too fast so I couldn't tell if you were ok!

The said boy Tetsuya hid behind Kyian.

"Sorry," Apologized Kyian with a smile. "Tetsuya is really shy to newcomers." He pushed Tetsuya in front of him. "Say hi Tetsu."

The boy looked at us. "Hello." He said in a barely whisper.

"Aw, that is just so adorable!!! " Squealed Kise. He then tried to hug the white haired boy.

Both Kyian and Tetsuya dodged kise's hug sending the blonde crashing into a bunch of empty trays.

This was going to be a disaster.

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