Who is this Baker?!

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"You guys have been silent for quite a while now. I had the impression that silence for you six was impossible." Commented Kyian.

"It usually is." Replied Midorima. "I think we were all just thinking about an event that happened in the past..."

"I bet it was more than some event. To make you all go silent, it must have been a bad experience. Did you all get disqualified because of a fight during a basketball match or something?"

"No, we were just thinking about an important person we lost- wait. How did you know we played basketball? No one in America knows about us because we haven't played in the states yet. We haven't told you anything about ourselves, and we haven't even introduced ourselves yet." Questioned a curious Akashi.


"Looks like your pastries are done." Said Kyian. "It'll take a few minutes to cool."

"No fair!" Pouted Kise. "Kyianicchi trying to change the subject."

After taking the pastries out of the oven, Kyian turned back to the six teens. "Did you guys say something? Anyway, you guys can have these on the house because it's your first time here." Kyian bagged the pastries and shoved it to the six shocked basketball teen. "Hope to see you again! Enjoy!"

After handing (shoving) the pastries to the costumers, Kyian quickly went to the cellar for more flour (although he didn't really need it).

He's slick though Akashi.

"He totally just avoided our question, didn't he?" Points out Kagami.

"That he did Taiga, that he did." Agreed Akashi. "But why? And how does he know us?"

"He could of heard us through some uncommon magazine in the U.S." Suggested Midorima.

"Or he could of seen Kise in a modeling magazine." Adds Aomine.
"Or Murasakibara in a cooking magazine."

"It is possible Akachin.~" Agrees Murasakibara.

"None of those things are commonly found in the U.S. Much less Alaska." Argues Akashi.

"I guess." Says Aomine.

"Does anyone know anyone who knows us and has been to Alaska?" Wonders Akashi.

The rest shake their heads.

"Then how does a baker living in America, living in Alaska of all places, know who we are?"

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