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I stare at the vast whiteness of Alaska. It was 5 in the afternoon, and the sun was reflecting off the snow and ice. It looked as if the snow was glowing. Beautiful. I approach a nearby inn and settle down into a room. The first thing I do is get out a coat from my suitcase and put it on. I then take my white cap, hairclip, and necklace and slip them all on. I don't know why but a feeling was urging me to do this. It was the same urge that brought me to Alaska. I then walk out of the inn leaving my suitcase. I somehow got the feeling I wouldn't need it again ever. I folloewed this mysterious guide far outside the town I was in . Far into the snow ice mountains. After hours of walking he finally reached his destination. An ice cavern miles away from civilization. I hesitate slightly. Should I go in? I think about all that had happened in the last few months. I really don't have anything too lose. No one who will cry for me if I die. No one to worry for me. I am all alone in this vast world. Even though that is what I wanted, being alone terrifies me... I step into the cavern without a second doubt. Right as I do, a burning sensation fills my body. A whisper voice like a snake fills my mind.

"Kuroko Tetsuya. My name is Hayate. I am the last ssssssnake lordssss. I have heard your cry and am now anssswering your wissh. You wissh to leave your passt life behind you. You want to never ssee anyone from that life again. I will grant your wissh if you sao dessire. I am the lassst of the ssssnake lordss and am about to die in a couple minutess. But before I do, I can transssform you into another persssson. A persssson they won't recognize. But.... if you do this you will probably never see them again. You will not be able to survive without the cold for very long. You will lose them forever. You can never gain or fight back for what was stolen from you. Will you be able to take the guilt of doing nothing to keep what was precious to you? Will you be able to take the burden of never seeing them again? This is the choice you must make, and that us the price you must pay."

"I accept your offer." Accepted Kuroko very politely and instantly.

"Is your heart so broken you cannot go on any longer?"

"My heart was broken long ago. I cannot rebuild the heart I had in my previous life. There is nothing left. I will start again."

"I see child. I agree with your decission. This change I besstow upon you will be much better for your life ahead. You might be happy again. Then let the ssequence commence. Take off your coat, ssshirt and accessories. Kuroko Tetsuya is no more. Be born my child Tetsuya."

Snake Lord P.O.V

A bright light surrounds my soon to be child. As the light dispersed, a different child-my child- was left in it's wake. My child had hair as white as snow and had blood red silver mixed eyes. White scales marred his left cheek below his eye level, and white scales ran along both his arms stopping at his elbows. Scales also adorned the left side of his chest, and straight down the middle of his back. He was magnificent. Just a beautiful sight to behold.

Kuroko P.O.V

(*Too much work to keep adding s to indicate hissing. )

"My child." Spoke papa. " My beautiful child. Over there to your left you will find a chest. Open it up, and put on a special kimono I am giving to you."

I opened up the chest and found a white kimono. It had a silver sash decorated with white snakes. "Its beautiful." I breathed. I stripped off my pants (it wasn't cold surprisingly) and put on the kimono.

" I am also allowing you to keep the other items I as ssked you to take of. They will help disguise your true nature."

I pit on the hat and hair clip. I then position the scarf in such a way that it stops just blow my eyes and covers my scales.

"Welcome to the world my lovely yokai child, Tetsuya. Please have a nice rest. When you wake up I won't be here. Goodbye mu child."

"Night night, Papa." I replied as I feel into a deep sleep.

Little did we both know someone had saw the while ordeal.

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