The most loved in the village goes too...

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I dunno why but I thought the first op to Tokyo Ghoul kinda fit with this fanfic, so...enjoy?

GOM+K (I'm getting lazy)

"Ow! That hurt! Wa! Tetsuyaichhi and Kyianicchi are so mean!" Cried Kise.
"Kyianicchi?" Wondered the confused Kyian.

"I add "icchi" on to the names of those I respect!" Beamed Kise seemingly not crying anymore.

"Respect me? Haha! There's really nothing to respect. Anyway, can I get you guys anything?" Questioned Kyian.

"Yes, but we might be here a while." Informed Akashi.

"If that's the case," Kyian looked at Tetsuya. "Why don't you go out and play with Rei and the others?"

"Ok! Let's go Rei!" Smiled Tetsuya.


After the two went outside, a numerous number of children's voices could be heard.

"Hey Tetsuya's out!

"Hey Tetsu!

"Yay Tetsu!

"Hi Tetsuya!

"Seems like someone is popular." Observed Midorima.

"I guess." Replied the baker. "Tetsu just has a way with people. So what can I get you? "

After placing their order, they watched the red- orange haired man do his magic.

"So, are you and Tetsuya brothers?" Questioned Kagami. "Because if you are, you guys look nothing alike."

"No, I found Tetsuya and decided to adopt him." Answered Kyian , while making the custom pastries that had been ordered.

"What do you mean you found him? Was he wondering around the town?" Akashi.

"Not exactly..." Replies Kyian. "Well it doesn't matter now. Were brothers and that's that."

"What kind of sweets are those?~" Wonders Murasakibara.

"Those over there?" Points Kyian. "Those are gifts from the other villagers to Tetsu. They like to give him sweets all the time. They're raspberry flavor. It's his favorite."

"Really?" Looked a surprised Murasakibara. They looked like they were vanilla flavored."

"Vanilla flavored? Haha! If they were Tetsu wouldn' t even touch it. He hates vanilla alot." Laughed Kyian.


That word hit all of the basketball players like a wave of water.

I wonder what happened to you Tetsuya. By the time I came back you were gone. What made you leave your friends behind? -Akashi (Doesn't know what the others did to Kuroko.

I'm so sorry Tetsu. I destroyed our bond. If only could I would turn back time. I would see your sister for what she really was. If only I didn't side with her. If only... -gangaro (Aomine)

I should of listened to Ohasa-san (I know this os wrong but I'm to lazy to check right now. If someone could please have the correct spelling in the comments that would be amazing) more. He told me to not forget about anyone close to me. He even said my lucky item was a picture of me and people I hung out with in middle school. Yet I paid no attention to the meaning. I had no idea it would mean losing Kuroko. I was blinded.

I have no right to be your light. I turned my back on you. I left you hanging. I would give anything for those peaceful days we had in highschool. If I could see you again I'd buy you as many vanilla shakes as you want. -Kagami

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