Weird Kid

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Forgot to mention, Tetsuya has the appearance of a child. I think he's just so adorable! (Attacks Tetsu)

A basketball rolled in the snow, slowly bumping into Akashi.

"What the-? A basketball? What is a basketball doing here?" Wondered a surprised Akashi. This seemed to snap the whole group out of their deep thoughts and conversations about a certain baker.

As if to answer his question, a quiet soft voice rang out.

"Mister? Could you please hand me my ball?"

They all looked to see the white-haired boy they had met earlier. He was staring at the ground not making eye contact.

"Certainly." Replies Akashi with a smile. "Do you play basketball?" He asks as he picks up the ball and returns it to the child. "Not really..." Answered the child sounding unsure.

Not really? Thought Akashi.

"What do you mean "not really" ? Asks Midorima seeming to have the same thought.

"... Thank you mister..." Thanked the child running off.

"Well that was weird. That baker wasn't kidding. It looks like the kid isn't too fond of newcomers." Comments Aomine.

"It seemed to be a bit more than just shyness, Daiki. He seemed a bit... off." Stated Akashi.

"Well with our group who wouldn't be." Remarked Kagami.

" Kagamicchi!" Cried Kise.

"What?! It's true!" Defended Kagami.

"Bakagami." Insulted Daiki.

"Bakagamicchi!" Wailed Kise.

"Bakagamichin." Announced Murasakibara.

"Idiot." Said Midorima, pushing up his glasses.

"What?!" Cries Kagami confused. All he did was state the truth.

"Taiga." A very menacing Akashi stared at him. He shivered. "I'll take that as a compliment for now." Kagami let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding in.

"Thank you for that... interesting comment Taiga, but that was not what I was referring to. It seemed like he was terrified of us more so than a person that was shy."

"It's probably nothing Akachin~" Assured Murasakibara.

"Yeah, Akashicchi! Tetsuyaicchi was probably just shy and surprised to see us again." Agreed Kise.

"Although it doesn't really matter, that child was just probably not used to seeing new people around this village too much. It seems like they only get the occasional 3-4 visitors a year. Some years they don't even get one." Stated Midorima.

"Why does it even matter?" Questions Aomine lazily. "That kid is probably just weird."

"That's rich coming from you Ahomine." Says Kagami.

"Oi! You want to fight Bakagami!" Shouts Aomine.

"I'll happily beat you anytime." Retaliates Kagami.





"Be quiet both of you!" Seeths Akashi. I wounder what Kuroko would do. He would of probably kneed Taiga's legs, and Ignite Pass Daiki's stomach. Akashi smiled. He would of loved to see that.

"Oh no! Akashicchi is smiling!" Screamed Kise.

"Bakagami! You brought this upon us!"

"It wasn't me Ahomine!"

"It was too!"

"You're the one who started it!"

Akashi had enough of this.

"That kid is probably just weird."

That phrase repeated in Akashi's head. Although he knew it wasn't true, he made himself believe in it.

I'm overthinking things. That boy is probably just weird.

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