White haired boy = shy

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GOM+ Kagami

"So you dicided to come along Ryota." Greets Akashi. They were in the best (the only) inn in the village.

"Better than finding you later." Says Kagami. "What took you so long?"

"Sorry." Whines Kise (again). "I bumped into someone."

"You should be careful idiot." Comments Aomine.

"I was. It was an accident! I was in a rush." Declares Kise.

"It's not like I care... but was the other person alright?" Questions Midorima.

Kise thought about it. "I think. He ran away  before I could ask. He was really weird."

"How so?" Asks Akashi.

"He had an... interesting look." Replies Kise.

"Whatever." Buts in Aomine. "He must of been shy or something. Who cares about sone stranger. Let's do something fun."

"Akachin,  do they have a pastry shop in this village~? -Murasakibara

" Has anyone seen my luck item for today? It's a Pokemonball."-Midorima

"Ahomine.  Let's play one on one basketball." - Kagami

"How Bakagami! There's no court!       -Aomine

"Someone play with me!" -Kise

Nobody's p.o.v

With the earlier conversation forgotten, the GOM + Kagami argued where to go and what to do.

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