Chapter 3

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I got up with a shock when my alarm clock was screaming with its beat jolting me up I mentally groaned thinking about school I got up && put Jason derulos  new song broke on .
I started moving my hips along to the song and brushing my teeth  once I was done I ran to my room to pick an outfit I rarely wore shorts but today I was feeling it I grabbed my black ripped shorts and paired it with a high low shirt with paint splatters across it I added a skull bracelet && my favroite red converse
I strided across the room and ran down the stairs grabbed a granola bar and shot out the door heading to school I usually walked because it was just fifteen minutes other wise my mum  dropped me
Of .

First I set of to Miyas place so we could walk together she came out wearing her black crop top && white skinny jeans and stilettos she was always the daring one from us the guys swooned over her but she never let them get to her.

She ran to me and hugged me as we set
of to school " dayuumn girl u got those shorts going I would die to have a booty and tits like that i smacked her arm in a play full manner " u know u would look hella fine  in a crop top showing a little cleavage to"

I rolled my eyes at her
"keep dreaming Miya" she pouted
" you do realise every guy in the school is going to fantasise about you"
I scoffed at her raising my eyebrow.
" your kidding I'm seen as the nerd I get bullied all the time and your saying boys actually like me "
I screamed in her face why did she have to lie to me like that .
" Gabi your absolutely beautiful I don't know how u don't realise they tease and pick on your because there all jealous  and when it comes to the guys it's because they know they can't get you how do you not see it?!!! You need to show them that your not a play toy get it"
She practically screamed in my face making me stiffen at this out burst of hers.

"now get your pretty little ass in those doors and show everyone who you really are."

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