Chapter 12

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"Gabriella meet my best friends son Alec "
U stared stunned this was they guy from the party  " you?" He looked up at me and met my eyes showing a lustful grin while reaching out to shake my hand I gave it with hesitation when he kissed my hand I felt discus tog as he eyed me up and down.
This was weird he wasn't acting like this at the party .

" Errrm I need to go over to miyas "
I didn't really I just wanted to escape from him he stood up and ran his hand down my back making me jolt up while he said ok I grabbed his hand wen I wasent looking and threw it of he glared at me while I left

Brandon's PoV
I've been thinking about her and I can't get her out of my mind she punched me this morning causing me to like her even more .
Usually girls would fall at my feet and beg to be with me she didn't do that at all she's the only kiss that made my knees go weak her touch    was still lingering of my lips her swollen plump lips I saw when we let go made me hard instantly .

Why I'm I thinking like this she's just a girl god damn ! I was going past gaby house debating on telling her wen I saw through her window a built dude putting his hand on her back he looked familiar  I saw her panic in her eyes wen she slapped it away and left I quickly hid behind a shed he I was going to beat the living shit out of that mother fucker he looked fishy ...

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