Chapter 9

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Brandon's PoV

I watched as she walked towards me with a hesitant look in her eyes before she tiptoed and placed a kiss on my cheek I tended she was definanlty tipsy.
I snapped out of him thoughts I wanted her so badly but she doesn't want a fuck boy like me so I hid it by acting like a jerk to her she was to innocent.

I was shook my fm bestfriend  Luke clicked fingers in my face making me glare at him.

I suddenly felt disappointed that she left and wanted to know the reosen she kissed me before I could think I heard a really loud giggle that was weirdly familiar

walking towards a table the sight in front of me was gaby on a table jumping it was kind of amusing for a second until I saw a unfamiliar guy try and kiss her.

Suddenly I got fueled up not knowing why I yanked his arm and punched him straight in the face and threw a drunk gaby over my shoulder while she kicked and punched my back she finally relaxed and started giggling I threw her in my car .

And drove of to my place ...

Hope u liked Brandon's point of view like and comment thnxx bye ! Xx

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