04. Wanna go to a party tonight?

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"I'm here." I shout causing my friends to look at me.

They decided to have a pack meeting since Liam is a werewolf and tonight is the full moon.

We were all standing in a circle, stopping everyone who tried to get inside the circle.

"Ok. I'm not sharing my basement." Malia says looking at everyone in the circle.

"Actually, it's my basement. And my mum noticed how you tore it up last time." Lydia replied with a sarcastic smile.

"Alright, she's still learning." Stiles defends her.

"But we're using the boathouse for Liam. It's got supporters, we can chain him there." Sscot says with a nod.

"How do we get him there though?" I ask.

They all look at me with a thinking look.

"How do we get him to the lake? Remember he doesn't trust us!" Kira asks.

"If it keeps him from murdering someone, I say we chloroform the little bastard and throw him at the lake." Stiles says with a tint of sarcasm.

"I'm in." Malia joins in.

"We are not throwing him in the lake." I say taking a step foward.

"We are not taking or kidnapping him." Scott replies.

"Then let's be smarter. Let's tell him there's a party and invite him." Lydia says shrugging.

"You're going to ask out a feshmen?" Stiles asks confused.

"No, I'm done with freshmen. But she isn't." She smiles at me right after saying that.

I take a few seconds to realize what she said but when I do, my eyes go as wide as possible.

"No. No. No. I am not doing it!" I exclamed.

"C'mon Aut. You're hot! Plus he likes you." Stiles comments with a teasing tone.

"Stiles!" I shout and in surprise, Malia does too.

"Then we'll use the trickster." Lydia says again but this time smiles at Kira.

"I'll do it!" I shout without thinking.

They all look at me shocked but stiles has a knowing look while Scott just holds a relieved one.

"Ok then go." Malia finally breaks the silence.

"What? Now?"

"Yes! Now! Go!" Stiles quickly grabbed my arm, running through the school gates.

"Do it now, he's downstairs by the lockers." He pushes to the stairs with an innocent smile.

I finally notice the blue eyed boy and his dark skinned friend, talking next to his locker and surprisingly, mine too.

"Go!" He shouts.

I send him a glare but let out a sigh.

"Alright. But it's not going to work." I tell him with a look.

I start going Liam's way, also trying to maintain eye contact but since I didn't want to trip, I just look down at my feet.

I finally make it to Liam and grab his hand, entwining our friends.

"Hey! Mind if I steal Liam for a bit?" I ask Mason.

"He's all yours!" Mason replies with a smirk.

I nod, sending a wink.

I pull Liam to an empty classroom, locking the door behind us and turn around, facing him who was already in the middle of the classroom.

C'mon, you've got to do this.

"What are you doing?" He asks me nervous.

His heartbeat is super high and his cheeks are slightly red.

I start walking to him, swaying my hips left and right.

Keep calm, you need to do this.

"I wanted to talk," I say with a shrug, trailing my hand up his left arm. "About your lacrosse skills. They are definitely attractive."

"So you drag me into an empty classroom, trying to seduce me?" He asks with a smirk.

His sudden confidence takes me by surprise, but I tried to play along.


I place my arms around his neck, pulling his body close to mine.

Even though he is small, I am much smaller.

"Only that?"

"No, I also wanted to do this." With that being said, I pressed my lips against his, feeling his cold lips move against mine.

Unfortunately, we had to pull away otherwise we would die.

"We only had a really proper conversation yesterday. We kissed twice." Liam whispers, resting his forehead on mine.

"And those two times were amazing." I reply with a laugh.

"Scott and Stiles are looking." He whispers quietly to me.

I look behind us, facing the door with a small window and try to hide a smirk.


I pull Liam to a corner of the classroom, so that Scott and stiles couldn't see us.

"Lets put up a show." I whisper in his ear, feeling his heart race.

His arms go around my small torso, while my hands rommage his chest.

"By the way, wanna go to a party to a night?" I ask, kissing his neck.

"Hell ya." He whisper to me and then we hear a loud crash.

Liam and I jump apart and see the two juniors on top of the broken door.

"What are you two doing?" My clumsy brother asks.

"Chill bro. I just asked him to go to a party with me. It's Lydia's, everyone's going to be there." I reply with a smirk.

I grab Liam's hand, bring in out of the classroom not to get caught because of the broken door.

"What are we going now?" Liam asks with a small smile.

I look back at him to smile back but see Coach with a furious look on his face.

"We run!"

And we started running to the parking lot.

Autumn McCall ▶Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now