Chapter Four: Figures

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Olivia's POV:

(An hour or so after the video camera incident with the perp.)

I hear, "Hi, uh-I'm Peter Landry, I was told to come here. I got a call about an hour ago."at Amanda's desk, I look over at Amanda and we exchange looks, after that I get up and approach Peter.

"I'm Sergeant Benson,"I say putting out my hand for him to shake.

"Oh, yeah, you're Zoe's mom, right? She told me a lot about you."he says with a weak smile, shaking my hand.

"Yeah, I'm her mother," I say with a chuckle, "As you might know, she's missing. Plus, her best friend, Lucy Caine is dead."I told him, trying to be as soft as I could.

"Yeah, I heard. I have Geometry with Zoe, I talked to Lucy just this morning about her."he said his voice was weak.

"Would you go over to that room over there on the left for a moment? I want to ask you a few questions. I'll be over in a few minutes."I told him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Sure."he said, walking away from Rollins and I and into interrogation room one.

"You want in on this?"I asked her with a smirk.

"You know I do."she said rising from her desk chair.

"Carisi, Fin, Nick! If you see anything, hear anything, suspect anything, do not fail to inform me."I told them, walking away with Amanda.

"Yes, Sergeant."they all said and continued to look for leads, whether it be on the phones, or by video camera.

When Amanda and I entered the room, I closed the door behind us. We sat across from Peter, we both needed to see his face while he answered the questions.

"Ok, so Peter, how old are you?"Amanda asked him politely.

"I'm sixteen."he said nervously.

"Do you have consent with your parent or guardian to be here?"I asked.

"My mom says she doesn't care, just to call her later."he said embarrassed.

"Oh, alright. That's fine."said Amanda with a smile.

"Ok, so, this morning, as you said, you were talking to Lucy. Can you tell me about the conversation?"I asked, oh-so calmly.

"Lucy told me that Zoe likes me, she said I should ask her out...but I don't really want to..."he said quietly, he started to look away from both of us.

"I mean, I know this isn't a gossip session or whatever-but why not?"Amanda asked with a worried look on her face.

"Zoe and I are really good friends, you know? I'm sure she likes me, but what if things just don't work out and it gets ruined?"he said pitying himself.

"Peter, if you tell her how you feel, she'll relate. The thing is, she's super secretive and distant at times. She doesn't like to express her feelings to anyone unless she's really close to them."Amanda said, everything true.

"I'll tell her how I feel when I see her again."he said with a small smile on his face.

"That's good."

"So, do you know if Lucy is involved with anyone?"I asked him.

"Uh, no. She had quite a few boyfriends so far though. The boys ended the relationships, she gets-got...kind of clingy."he said awkwardly.

"How so?"

"She would like internet stalk was kind of funny, she's a cool girl, you know?"he said sitting up straight in his seat.

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