Chapter 6) Exams

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Esula POV
She whispered to her friend while pointing at me. They both snickered. "Ew look. We got another newbie. I bet she's gonna make our school look bad," One girl said while flipping her long purple hair.
"I know right? We don't need her. Let's get rid of her." Another said. She had short blond hair and a bright orange headband.
"We should-"
"Esulahh.." an annoying voice whined loudly. I sat straight up, panting. I touched my cheeks and found tears. "Are you okay?" Celest continued.
"I-it's nothing.." I said.
Celest decided to leave me alone and said, "Well we have school today. First day!" She twirled, showing off her new skirt. "What are you gonna wear?" she asked.
"Dunno," I paused, "Do you think people are going to make fun of us?"
To my surprise, Celest answered happily, "Of course not! As long as we have Aru-chan and Steacho-chan, were fine!"
I wish I was as positive as her. "Okay then, I'm going to get ready. Go help make breakfast. She nodded and skipped away. I sighed and slipped off my bed. I quickly put on an outfit I especially chose for today.
After I got ready, I headed to the kitchen to eat. "Ohiyo Esula-chan," Arazu-chan said when I sat down.
"Ohiyo," I replied with a yawn.
"Exams start at 8:00. We gotta hurry."
We quickly gobbled down a few muffins and hopped in a taxi to the school. The drive was about ten minutes and we talked about what other schools were around the area.
"We're finally here!" Celest yelled once we got out of the taxi and paid. I turned to the school and gasped. The school was huge! It looked like a castle and was surrounded by greenery. The gates were fancy and everything was symmetrical. Celest was also in awe.
Steacho-chan ushered us forward, "It's already 7:57. We need to hurry."
We all rushed through the gates and quickly walked past rooms full of supplies and rows of lockers. At last we reached a door with a sign above it. 'Exams for new students only' it read.
"Well, good luck!" Arazu-chan and Steacho-chan said.
"Thanks we will try our bes-" I was cut off by a floating screen that appeared in front of the door.
"Exam entrees will not be allowed in fifteen seconds. fourteen, thirteen, twelve..." it said. Celest and I quickly waved to Arazu and Steacho and slipped through the door.
The room was packed with people on bleachers circled around a platform with a desk in the middle. Wow. I thought. It's huge. Celest seemed to think so as well. A middle-aged woman directed us to the left and we found seats. She handed us each a pouch and told us that there were instructions of what to do inside. Inside was a form, card with a number on it, instructions, two pens, and a small box bound in strong-looking cords. I decided to start with the instructions. As soon as I opened the sheet, labels appeared on all the supplies. I stared in awe, then read the sheet, which was still in my hand.
'Welcome to Secha Kadenue Academy. The labels on your supplies tell you what to do with them. Your exam is split into three parts, magic knowledge, magical abilities, and normal school subjects. Your card number tells you the order you are in. The test package will be provided when the principal is ready. Furthermore instructions will be given by the principal. Please take a look at the labels now.'
Okay then.. so I think I'm going to start with the pen thingies. 'SKA exams pens: These are for your test. The blue one will automatically change your handwriting into print and also automatically send your answers as soon as you write them. If you wish to change your answer, use the red pen to erase and rewrite.' Oh, cool! I need these. Hmm I'm going to fill out the form out then check out the rest of the stuff. 'New enrollees form. Fill this out with the SKA exam pens and put it through the slot behind you before the test starts.'
Yay! I get to use the special pen! I took the blue pen and pulled out the form. Name, age, species, power level... It was an ordinary form. The pen was cool though.
"Good morning and welcome to Secha Kadenue Academy! I am Principal Hastib, your test instructor for the exam," a pretty woman said. She had pretty brown hair and brown eyes. She walked up to the desk and sat down. I quickly shoved the form in the slot behind me and listened intently. "Well let's get started right away," She snapped and everyone's cords on the small package disappeared. Inside the package was a switch. "This switch will give you a hologram of a classroom and you will not be able to cheat. Your desk will be real, but you will not be able to touch anything else in the hologram. All your materials will be there as well. Your time limit is fifty minutes for the first part. When you are done, flick the switch again. Good luck. You may begin," Principal Hastib concluded.
Celest and I smiled to each other and we flicked our switches at the same time. My vision became blurry and the scenery of a classroom draped over the room. I was still sitting in the same desk and all my materials were here. Alright. Let's get started then.
~Next~ Chapter 7) Surprise

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