Chapter 17: All Board The Crash Express

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Edward landed with a thud on the floor of the locomotive. He honestly thought that Kaitlynn wouldn't be able to pull him up in time. It took him a moment to regain his senses before jumping up, pulling his wife closer to him, "Is everyone alright?" After recieving a nod from Kaitlynn, Gracie and Ruby, a sigh of relief escaped his mouth. 

"Daddy! Look!"

The blonde, automailed man looked in the direction of Ruby's finger. There, at the end of the carraige, stood Alanah and her friend, lookimg back at them with panicked eyes. The father began to push, shove and jump over the rows of people on the train, crying out desperately when thet took off towards the drivers cabin.  Ed managed to grab a hold of Alanah's wrist while Neveya continued running. Alanah looked at her father, a look of fire burning in her eyes, "Let me go!!" She screeched.--


"Excuse me, sir? Mr Train Driver?"

The old man turned to look at her, his eyes widening in absolute horror. "I-It's an Ishvalan Creature!!" He managed to stutter, his palms sweating and his knees shaking. Neveya was deeply offended by this, her red eyes somewhat gleaming in rage. "I am NOT just some creature, thank you very much!! Learn a bit of respect!!"

That was it. The poor, old man fainted on the spot. Not knowing what to do, Neveya pulled him from his position behind the dash board, and clambered into his seat. Oh, the results of her quick mindedness. 'I've never driven these before!! I can't see over the dashboard!! How do i stop this thing?!' Her conscience screamed at her to stop the train, but she was panicking WAY too much for that to happen.

Neveya heard Alanah's screech, and turned around for a mere second to see what was going on. Was she hurt?

That mere second was fatal....

Panic raced through Neveya even more than it already was.

As she looked ahead, she saw a dead end. "I must have missed a turn off!!" Unwillingly and Beknownst to even herself, she instinctively slammed on the brakes and turned the wheel on accident, making her fly forwards and then sideways off the chair...


The train spun lopsidedly, its wheels trying their best to stay on the tracks. Sparks flew up from beneath them before the supports gave in, sending the wheels out from on top of the steel tracks. The locomotive tumbled violently, windows shattering and train carraiges detaching themselves. It was as if time was slowing down. Neveya watched in horror from her position on the floor as chairs, pieces of glass and dirt flew around her, her body being tremendously knocked around by the force.

For the first time in what felt like a million years, Alanah was holding onto Edward for dear life. Her deep, brown eyes were squeezed shut tightly, hating the sights before her. Yet....she felt calm, that was the way she'd always felt when she daddy's arms. However, that peace and serenity didn't last too long as Alanah was suddenly ripped away from her fathers grasp and thrown off to another part of the train, "DAD!!"

"ALANAH!!!" Edward cried, reaching for his little girl. The little girl he'd been missing out on all of these years.

Then everything went black....


Edward's head throbbed. His ears were ringing and his vision was blurry. What happened? What was he doing here? The Alchemist dragged his head along the remains of the train floor to see where his girls had gone off too. Gracie had landed and was currently half trapped under the chair, Kaitlynn was face down on the floor near the entrance, and Ruby...


Where the hell was Ruby?!

Ed's eyes wandered sideways, only to be met with the figurines off two people off in the distance. They stared back at him with anger, pity and....a hint of compassion and sadness? They were covered in bruises, cuts and scrapes, just like him. They must've taken the fall pretty bad.

He reached a hand towards them, only to have it drop to the dirt. His voice was meek and raspy.


That was the last thing he remembered, his baby girl walking off from the crash site with her friend, before he passed out again....

A/N: WHOOP!!!! Finally got around to updating!! Thanks so much for the support and Thanks to much to Britney (dedicated above) for helping me come up with this scene idea a while back!! It truly means a lot to me!! thanks everyone for reading!!

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