Chapter 22: I will Stop at Nothing!!

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Xiao noticed Neveya's almost dreamy-eyed stare and clenched her fists beneath the lengthy sleeves of her kimono. She glared over at the somewhat savage girl and sighed, 'she's so strange. And rude. And conceded. Why is she looking at their highness like they're some sort of chocolate!! Disgusting!!'

Said Ishvalan Girl felt the piercing gaze of Xiao burning into her back and turned to look at her, breaking her gaze away from the handsome prince in front of her. With no reluctance or hesitation, she returned the almighty glare. However, she quickly broke her gaze again when Alanah shook her head and Mei began to speak.

"Your majesties! Welcome to our humble abode, we look forward to having you with us tonight and having your children with us!" Mei clasped her hands together and smiled, "Please let me introduce my daughter and her friends to you!!" She laughed joyously, walking over and standing behind Xiao. "This is my daughter and heir to the Chang Clan throne, Xiao." With that, the young princess stepped forward and bowed graciously, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Emperor Ling Yao" her soft voice broke the silence before Mei moved on to the next girl.

"This is her friend Alanah," Likewise, Alanah stepped forward and bowed in respect, though she hadn't mastered it just yet and the family pretty much towered above her, "Lovely to meet you, Sir, I'm Alanah Elric. Daughter of the FullMetal Alchemist!!" Her enthusiastic voice rang through the air, making Ling's wife chuckle.

"And lastly, their.....friend, Neveya." Neveya heaved a heavy sigh and proceed to walk forward, only to stumble on her heels and failed miserably on the way there. 'Great....Just Great....I'm already making a fool of myself, this is why I can never be taken places!!' She sighed to herself before straightening up and awkwardly bowing, "Forgive my failure, your...erm.....royalness-es....nice to meet you?" She nervously spoke, hating how clumsy she'd become so suddenly.

The poor girl came to realise something in the timespan of five seconds, but didn't do anything until she hit the floor. The awkwardness of being in high heels made her tip forward, falling straight onto the oldest prince....




Neveya groaned, lifting her head off the ground, well...not exactly the ground. A groan emitted from the person beneath her, making her eyes widen in realisation and shock. Alanah quickly covered her mouth and turned away from the sight, trying her hardest not to burst into laughter, whereas Xiao was staring in complete and utter horror.

The Imperial family had pretty much the same reaction. A dark girl, laying on the oldest Prince of Xing?! That's absolutely absurd. Neveya scrambled to get to her feet, "Oh god!! I'm so sorry!! I'll go!! I'm getting up now!!" The usually confident and prideful specimen was now reduced to a pool of stuttering, mumbling and steam.

The older boy smiled and simply shook his head, getting up off the ground and almost offered to help her up, "It's alri--" He noticed the uncertain, almost stern looks of his family, "I-I mean, so you should be!" Neveya looked up at him, confused.

A younger version of the boy spoke up, laughing at his brothers failure, and also at Neveya's failure. "Way to go, big brother!! You sure showed her!!" His dark eyes scanned over everyone, before they stopped on Xiao. 'Wow...she's beautiful...' He stared at her dreamily, making Xiao blush and look away in embarrassment.

"You idiot!! Don't you know it's rude to stare at women!!" A more feminine voice spoke up, followed by a painful groan of the second prince. The girl sighed, "Please excuse me, Father, but your sons are being incompetent again." Her voice was full of maturity and annoyance.

Ling chuckled and shook his head, looking back at Mei as Neveya scrambled back to her spot beside Alanah. "I do believe I never got the chance to introduce my wife and children. So let's get this over and done with and then, Honey?" He gestured for his wife to step forward, taking her hand.

The Empress smiled graciously, "My humblest greetings to the Chang family and their friends. My name is Ai-Ai, Empress Ai-Ai Yao. But you can just call me Ai or her majesty" Ai-Ai smiled, her dark brown eyes shining with happiness. Her long black hair was styled into a bun, tucked into the bun and then left to hang like a ponytail. Her Kimono matched her somewhat challenging beauty, being blue with purple swirls and forest like patterns on it.

The oldest girl from before the stepped forward, aligning herself with her mother. "My name is Meili, Princess Meili. Call me whatever you want, but father calls me Li-Li." Meili was a spitting image of Ling himself. From her long dark hair and unruly fringe, she was an exact replica of him.

Neveya watched as the boy she had somewhat flattened before stepped up, blushing when she saw Alanah smirking through the corner of her eye. He smiled broadly and proudly, "My name is Nianzu. The first born prince of The Xingese Emperor and Empress. I don't have any nicknames, but it'd be great if you could give me one." The Ishvalan girl smiled slightly, 'He speaks with such enthusiasm....Nianzu.....If he lets me, I can just call him Zu.....No!! Stop!! No!! Stop thinking right now!!!'

Seeing Neveya blush through her peripheral vision, Xiao's eyes turned to snake-like slits, glaring at her newfound rival. However, the youngest prince caught her attention as he stepped up. "M-My name is Huiliang, B-But everyone calls me Hui...." His voice shook and trembled from the nervousness of meeting new people. Xiao couldn't help but smile slightly behind her kimono sleeve, 'He's shy....That's cute....'

Alanah simply smirked at them, tapping her foot somewhat impatiently, wanting them to get together already and they'd only just arrived....





Both of his little girls were gone....

The children he treasured most in this universe.....

Were gone......

Edward sat up in the hospital bed, staring blankly at the wall in front of him. His mind was lost and he didn't know what to do. First Alanah left because of their stupid decision to send her away to school, God only knows where she is now. Probably off on some adventure...While Edward and Everyone else were sent back to Liore to get the treatment they needed. And secondly, his youngest, Ruby, had disappeared in the midst of the train wreck.

Kaitlynn walked over to him, a tray of food in her hands. She looked as tired as anything, bags beginning to form under her eyes, yet, her eyes still held the same liveliness as before. The Liveliness of his main love interest in his own comic book story. Placing the tray down, she served the bowl of food to him before giving one to Gracie, who was seat in a chair beside the bed and reading a novel to escape the troubles of the day. "Don't worry Ed, we'll just have to search a little longer....We'll find them, I promise you."
"What if we don't...?"
"Have I ever been wrong?"
"No, but--"
"Edward Eugene Elric! Don't you dare underestimate me!! I believe that we will find out girls and that's that!"

Edward smiled, running a hand through his hair, "Tell me why I married you, again?"
"Because you need someone to keep your head out of the clouds and your feet on the ground, that's why"


"Did you get the girl?"
"Yes. I managed to get the girl"
"Great job...!"

A slim figure lifted up her arm, to which she was holding an extremely limp human form. "I gave her some antiseptics. She wouldn't stop screaming. I had to shut her up. Both retrieving her and shutting her up were some risky tactics, but nothing is too dangerous for Rebellion!!"

And evil cackle came from the figure, a malicious glint in their eyes. "Nothing is impossible for this girl!! You know why?"

She looked directly at the screen, her teal eyes gleaming in mischievousness, "Because I am Rebellion, and I can do anything!!"

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