Chapter 20: Judgement Day

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Neveya and Alanah jumped back in surprise, staring up at their fellow masked bandit in absolute horror.

"Who on earth are you?!"
"Why did you scare us like that?!"

Girly laughter rang through the air, "Oh Pish Posh! Only poor ones are afraid of me!!" Her accent was thick enough to cut with a butter knife. Neveya's head spun, making her glare slightly, 'WHO THE HELL DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?! 'Only poor ones are afraid of me' SHUT UP!! WHAT A JOKE!!' She screamed in her mind.

"Oh you poor creatures must be parched and famished to the core!"
"Actually we are..."
"Come Come!! Let me get you cleaned up and then we feast like kings!"

Without a second thought, the supposed girl dragged them into town.
This town was no ordinary town indeed. It was full of traditional looking structures, such as shrines and temples. The people also wore extremely strange clothing.

However, the most significant feature was the large, glorious castle situated in their line of view.

"Mother! I'm home! Lee!! Clean me up before dinner and help these two peasants!!"


Lee, the housemaid, smiled proudly at her work. This once hooded figure had somewhat magically turned into a specimen of pure beauty.

Pale skin, dark hair, dark eyes and ruby red lips, this young girl had it all. No man could turn her down. Her kimono was pink with yellow flowers imprinted on it.

"How rude of me! I never even introduced myself! I am Xiao Chang! Daughter of Mei Chang and teamed clan of the emperor Ling Yao! I am the heir to the Chang Clan throne!" Xiao giggled, a false sweetness about her figure, "Lee!! I order you to reveal these figures!"

With a swift tug, the cloak that hid Alanah was thrown away. Alanah stood there, stiff as a board, staring uo at the Xingese princess. "M-My name is Alanah Elric!! Daughter of Edward Elric, the FullMetal Alchemist!" She bowed lowly, her unruly blonde mop covering her bright red face.

"Beautifully, yet strangely coloured hair...Stunning golden eyes...a bit stumpy and roughly cut....BUT! I THINK SHE'S A KEEPER!! ZHAO!! DRESS HER!! LEE!! REVEAL THE LAST ONE!"

One final tug....

A lewd gasp filled the room, as long as the thud of Lee fainting....

'Ugh....i hate this....'
"OH MY LORD!!!" Xiao was absolutely horrified at the sight of the Ishvalan girl in front of her.

Neveya growled, glaring at the Xingese tart, who seemed very shocked, "Go on, Say it, Insult me, I dare you!" At this, Xiao huffed, "What are you?! Some kind of....animal??" She then began inspecting Neveya, "Too skinny, Too much hair and, AHH!!-- SO MUCH BARE SKIN!!!!....not suitable....but i guess i can make use of you...Lee!! Wake up and put some less revealing clothes on this beast!!"

Neveya growled lowly and menacingly, keeping her unholy insults to herself.

'Stupid, Poncy, Spoilt brat!! Could slap the damn thing, I tell ya!!"

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