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" When I first saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew."

10 days before filming

" I can't believe Stiles and I never had an audition or chemistry test before we were cast." Lydia tucked a strand of her scarlet curled hair behind her ear.

" I don't know, they want it to be spontaneous, I guess?" Her assistant, Kira, wasn't being very believable.
" Well I guess, the movie itself is pretty impulsive." Lydia nodded as they entered the movie companies studio. She was scheduled to do her first read with Stiles today.

" Plus they think since you two are polar opposites, you two will be like fire, lots of sparks. Just, don't question the geniuses." Kira said.

As they made our way to the room where everything was being held, Lydia's feet began to become gradually sorer the more they walked due to her brand new heels which she hadn't wore in yet. Lydia slipped them off and began to carry them in her palms.

Kira opened the door to a wide room which was filled with a crowd of busy people scrambling around doing their jobs. As she made her way in, heads turning and smiling at her, she noticed Stiles Stilinski in the middle of the herd.

He was getting a few makeup touch ups when he first set his eyes on her. It was as if the whole world stopped, and Lydia Martin was the only thing still moving. She strut across the room toward Stiles, making Stiles regain his focus, swallowing hard. He walked over immediately to introduce himself, completely stricken and enchanted by Lydia's beauty. She noticed his dazed expression when he saw her, which made a slight smirk pop onto her face.

" Hey, the great Lydia Martin, it's a pleasure working with you." He put out his hand. Lydia shook it firmly.
" You're awfully taller in person," Lydia pointed out.
" You're awfully shorter in person," Stiles shot back at her, grinning down at her. Their height difference was very apparent.

" Oh yeah, I'm not wearing these." Lydia glanced down at the high heels she clasped.
" Anyways, It's great to be working with you as well, I've heard really good things about you." Lydia said as she started putting back on her shoes.
" Oh really, what exactly? Tell me everything." Stiles' eyes widened jokingly.

" Please," Lydia laughed.
She balanced herself on her four inch heels, now her nose reaching his shoulder in height.
" There you go," Stiles raised his eyebrows.
Lydia did a playful twirl, showcasing her artificial growth.

" So, what are you doing on a film like this?" Lydia asked innocently.
" Well, I've been wanting to do a drama for awhile now. But if I wanted switch sides, it had to be with something really good, you know? I read this script, and it fit. I imagined myself doing it, seemed amazing. I'm so grateful they're giving me this chance. I want people to know I can also act emotionally." Stiles talked with so much integrity, She had zoned out listening to him.

" Why'd you wanna do this movie?" Stiles questioned.
" Great director, great writer, great producers. Overall, a compelling story with complex characters. I think it's a movie that will look terrific on a resumé." Lydia replied.
" Well said," Stiles shook his head.

" Hey, hey, Lydia, come over here for a second." Braeden tapped my shoulder, Lydia spun her head and then left Stiles to talk to her manager.
" What did you need?" Lydia asked.
" You two... I like it." Braeden smiled mischievously at Lydia.
" Who two?" Lydia said.
" C'mon! You and Stiles!"
" You think so? I don't see it." Lydia shrugged.

" Well I do. Lydia, this would be everywhere. You're the biggest it-girl right now, he's the fresh and most talked about in his genre. You guys would kill. Also, imagine what it would do for the movie's publicity, and did I mention, yours?"

" I don't know, he's not really my type. He's too goofy." Lydia wasn't fully convinced.
" Lydia, it won't be serious. Let it last a year tops. Just until the movie comes out in cinemas. I was talking to Stiles' manager earlier, he said Stiles thought you were one of the most gorgeous actresses he's ever seen."

Lydia's cheeks flushed a vibrant red at the compliment, which she was hoping wouldn't show.
" You're blushing!" Braeden pointed at Lydia.
" Okay fine! I'll give him a chance, he seems nice, but if I don't like him, I'm not putting up with him for a whole year!" Lydia exhaled.

" Yes! I can see it now... Stydia!" Brayden looked up at the ceiling, smiling.
" Oh god," Lydia rolled her eyes and went to the area she would soon start do her chemistry read with Stiles at.

Collision (A Stydia Teen Wolf AU Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now