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" Can you feel the weight of it, the whole world at your fingertips."

2nd day of filming

While Lydia was driving peacefully, the silence was disrupted by a ringing that echoed throughout her car. Lydia's  cellphone was connected to her Bluetooth, so she wouldn't be distracted by anything on the road. She accepted the call, hearing the automated voice telling her it was Brayden.

  " Hey Brayden," Lydia smiled to herself.
  " Darling! It worked!" Brayden exclaimed, impulsing Lydia to slightly turn the knob that decided the volume.
  " What worked?" Lydia asked even though she knew the answer.
  " You and Stiles! Sources say the two lovebirds were flirting all night, and, at one point they were immersed into such a deep conversation it made Lydia tear up!" Brayden impersonated an article, Lydia was guessing.

Lydia rolled her eyes, not answering Brayden.
  " So, what did you think of him?" Brayden begged for details. She was extremely excited.
  " He was... nice. Very funny too." Lydia was telling Brayden anything personal, she was her manager, not her therapist.
  " Beautiful. Keep it going!" Brayden yelled into the phone and then suddenly hung up.
   " Great conversation," Lydia said to the dead air.

• • •

Walking onto the set, Lydia was greeted by Kira and Stiles, who had clearly met and became acquaintances while waiting for me. Kira handed her a cup of coffee, which was warm to the touch. Lydia thanked her for it, and started walking toward makeup to get ready.
Unexpectedly, Stiles and Kira followed. Apparently, Lydia had to see something, and they both couldn't contain their giggling.

" Okay what is it?" Lydia said as she plopped into the makeup chair. The makeup artist, Erica, came into view with a friendly smile on her face, and began to curl Lydia's freshly showered and blow-dried hair.
Kira picked up a thin tabloid magazine off a wooden stool which sat in the corner of the trailer.
Lydia laughed, knowing what was coming.
She flashed the cover in her face, which displayed Stiles and Lydia leaving Rivabella, total annoyance on her face from being blinded by paparazzi, and Stiles grabbing Lydia'd hand, a look of concern for her on his face.

  " Very high-quality. I hope they got paid well for that shot." Lydia said sarcastically.
  " No, look! We're Stydia!" Stiles beamed, the smallest laugh escaping his lips.
  " What the hell is a Stydia? don't ever call me that again." Lydia barked, not into the tabloid as much as everyone else was.
  " It's our couple name, isn't that hilarious?" Stiles was so fascinated by it, he stared at the cover. It read;  'Lydia Martin and Stiles Stilinski: STYDIA.'

" Very hilarious." Lydia raised her eyebrows, masking her amusement. She found the whole Stydia thing actually rather cute.
  " C'mon! Lighten up Lyds!" Stiles trailed off.

Lydia bit her lip, a grin developing on her mouth when hearing his nickname for her.
  " Whatever; we have our own couple name!" Lydia finally perked up, happily bouncing with Kira. Stiles shook his head, laughing.

  " Stiles what lipstick shade do you prefer on Lydia for this scene; scarlet red or a nude?" Erica joined into the conversation, flipping her blonde curls out of her eyes.
  " I don't know, maybe since it's more of a toned down scene, just the two in the house, it should be a nude." Stiles pondered.
  " Exactly what I was thinking." Erica said, and picked out one lipstick from a collection of colors.
  " Wait, were we talking about makeup or outfits?" Stiles said jokingly.
Lydia playfully hit Stiles on the arm for his remark, but couldn't help but chuckle.

" Wait pass me the magazine." Lydia wavered her hand, narrowing her eyes. Kira strode over to Lydia, each footstep echoing on the cold floor of the trailer. She passed her the thin booklet. Lydia examined the cover, she tapped her finger on the subtitle, which described a juicy night out that you wouldn't want to miss.

  " This is just so... silly." Lydia let out a laugh, glancing through the tabloid.
  " I mean, does anybody really want to read about our date? It can't be that interesting." Lydia continued.

  " Some people will just to keep up on what's happening, but the people who really want to read about it is your fans. You two are both heavily idolized by the younger audience, the fact you're doing a movie together is unbelievable, but you're dating? That'll... make their dreams come true." Kira explained.

Stiles and Lydia both took a moment to let Kira's words sink in, and appreciated them. A grin popped on both of their faces.

Clearing up the silence, Stiles chimed in, " am I the only one not over this whole Stydia thing? C'mon, that made my day!" Stiles exasperated, full of hand gestures. Erica was listening to the conversation subtly as she applied a light coating of foundation on Lydia's porcelain skin, and smirked at his restatement.

  " Trust me Stiles, I'll never get over it." Lydia nodded her head dramatically, her widened emerald eyes dazzling in the white artificial light.

  " The ST has originated from my name, and the YDIA is from your name. Genius!" Stiles stared into oblivion, in pure amusement.

Lydia bit her lip, gazing at Stiles. She tried to hide her laughter, but was failing horribly. He caught her looking at her, and raised a brow, followed by a charming smile and a wink that made Lydia blush incredibly. She was glad that Erica was smothering her face in concealer and foundation so he wouldn't see it. Even though Lydia thought Stiles would still see, the flush of hotness in her cheeks felt extremely noticeable, enough to go through a layer of makeup, maybe.

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