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"And I feel your warmth, and it feels like home."

3rd day since filming has finished

Lydia had her porcelain legs loosely crossed, swaying her right tiredly. She sat in a black chair that stood in a row of identical ones, Stiles situated in the one right next to her. Lydia rested her head in the crevice that was Stiles' shoulder. They were at LAX right now, waiting for the voice that would announce that their flight was ready.

They were sitting near the gate, luggages in hand. Neither of them said a word, just sat in silent. Every now and then nudging the other to notice a person taking a photo of them without the flash or their permission. They'd giggle and stare at the woman or man through their tinted sunglasses. Stiles would attempt to lift his hand and wave at the camera, but Lydia would swat it down quickly with her own, burrowing her face into his chest laughing.

Lydia eventually closed her eyes, getting bored of waiting for the PA system to come on. Stiles peered down at Lydia, grinning when observing that she was trying to fall asleep. He took one of her auburn ringlets and played with it between his fingers. The rose gold strand twirled around his finger, and Stiles noticed the way Lydia's lips curved the slightest when he played with her hair.

  " Lydia, you'll have plenty of time to sleep on our flight." Stiles whispered into Lydia's ear, letting out a sharp chuckle.
  " Mmmm - I know." Lydia purred, stirring around her chair impatiently.
  " I just want to board this damn airplane!" She muttered, sitting straight.

Just then a distorted loud voice sounded through out the waiting area. They called out their plane that was a one way flight from Los Angeles to Bora Bora.

Lydia beamed at Stiles, fluttering out of the uncomfortable chair she sat in. She clasped her luggage which mainly contained different styles of bikinis and sundresses.

Stiles pulled his luggage in one hand and had his other on Lydia's back. They ambled over to the gate, where they stood in a line of other passengers, all wearing hooded eyes and sweatpants, passports in hand.

• • •

It was hour eight of the eleven hour flight to Bora Bora. They'd be arriving there at around nine o'clock at night in California time. Lydia stretched out, waking up from a short nap. She saw Stiles fast asleep beside her. Lydia glanced over at his small compartment in front of him that held a TV. Earphones were plugged in that followed along to Stiles' head. Lydia frowned when seeing her face talking rapidly on the screen.

Lydia then quickly realized that he had fallen asleep to one of her films. It was one of her older movies, actually it was film that first put her name out there. Lydia's cheeks flushed imagining Stiles sniggering to himself watching a younger Lydia on his screen.

Lydia scoffed, an idea popping into her mind. She turned on her TV, and selected movies with the touch of a finger. There was a wide variety, of all genres, and modern or classic. Lydia bit her lip, while selecting the section that read 'Comedy.' She searched through the choices pleadingly, hoping to find - yes! There was a film available that Stiles starred in.

She had recognized the poster and the title. Lydia remembered when it had first hit theaters actually, it was around when she started to become very big. When the small groups of fans became crowds, and the cluster of paparazzi became mobs. Lydia was excited to watch this movie unexpectedly, she had never seen it before and was dying to see Stiles on the screen before her.

She tapped the button that said play, and laid back, smirking. Originally, Lydia wanted to pretend to be sleeping as well and 'accidentally' bump into Stiles' arm or something similar, getting to wake up and think she had fallen asleep to one of his movies as well, but Lydia really wanted to watch this and decided Stiles should watch it too.

  " Hey," Lydia shook Stiles.  His eyes cracked open, yawning as he clearly wasn't ready to be awaken.
  " I just started a movie, want to watch it with me?" Lydia asked innocently.
Stiles ran his hand through his messy hair, and shrugged.
  " Sure."

Lydia smiled and handed him an earbud, and they put one headphone each at the same time. Lydia sucked in her bottom lip, covering her hand with her mouth trying to conceal her laughter.

She could literally hear Stiles' confusion as the familiar opening credits started to roll, and once his name appeared in bold white letters, Lydia couldn't hold in her laughter any longer.

  " Okay, turn this off." Stiles reached his hand toward the television, laughing.
  " No, no please! I wanna watch it!" Lydia took his hand in her own, bringing it down to her lap. Lydia pouted her lips and widened her eyes, something that Stiles couldn't resist.
  " Fine. Why do you want to watch it so much anyways?" Stiles raised his eyebrows.
  " I've never seen it." Lydia told him, to which he simply nodded, his face void of an expression.
  " Thank you so much babe!" Lydia thanked her boyfriend, kissing him on the cheek and then settled back into her seat to watch Stiles' movie. His lips slightly curled into a smile.

Stiles gazed over at the plane window, seeing dusty clouds among dark sky. He travelled all the time, for premieres and to film movies, but for some reason this time with the girl who had a fiery mane and an attitude that matched it sitting right beside him, it was much more special.

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