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"You hold me without touch. You keep me without chains. I never wanted anything so much. Than to drown in your love and not feel your rain. "

20th day of filming

Stiles and Lydia had been ordered to go do a few behind the scenes interviews for the DVD of Mizpah. So while neither of them were shooting, they were lead to a quiet and secretive area. A woman sat in a wooden chair running over her notes, her long tan legs crossed in front of her. The sound of Stiles and Lydia's footsteps made her eyes shoot up, smiling right away. As they settled on their directors chairs, she greeted them.

  " Hello! I'm Cora, nice to meet you!" She shook hands with both of them, saying their greetings back.
The camera beside her was trained on Stiles and Lydia, recording every movement and breath they took.

  " So, I know this is such a boring and unoriginal question; but it's mandatory. Can you explain what this movie is about?" Cora straightened herself, fidgeting with the collar of her blouse, pulling it higher.

Stiles glanced to Lydia, noticing the speech that was about to be enunciated from her plump lips.

  " Mizpah is a heartbreaking story of two people in love who have to leave each other for a period of time. It may not have been Parker or Stephanie's first love, and you'll have to watch the film to see if it's their last, but the two still make an immense impact on each other. As Parker leaves to go to his third year of university, they begin realizing how hard a long-distant relationship can be. The word Mizpah is actually Hebrew for watchtower. It signifies an emotional bond, and remembrance."

Her words spilled out effortlessly, as if she'd been practicing them for months. Stiles stared at her in awe, watching her speak so passionately and enthusiastic about this movie. His thoughts were laced with genuine curiosity as well; considering he didn't know that Mizpah was Hebrew, and that it meant a watchtower.

  " Couldn't of said it better myself." Stiles snickered, lifting his arm and resting his hand on the small of Lydia's back.

Electricity shot up her spine, at first tensing at his touch; but then settled. Stiles was always touching Lydia, placing his hand on her knee during a night out, or tugging her waist closer to his when they were beside each other. He would play with loose strands of strawberry blonde hair, and rub circles on her back with his thumb. She admired it, but sometimes it was almost as if he was teasing her, because they were in public, they weren't alone. So, every now and then she would have to get him back by gliding her hand up his thigh gently, causing his mouth to gape open, holding in a moan.

  " Stiles, everybody is saying this is your career altering role, what are your thoughts?" Cora asked.
  " Umm... it makes me want to work harder. Not let anyone down, and prove the people who don't believe I can act in a drama wrong." He said blatantly, raising his eyebrows.

  " This is a great project, and I'm glad to be apart of it. Especially with all these amazing names attached to it, I mean, it's one in a lifetime." Stiles said honestly. Lydia nodded along to Stiles' words, agreeing.

  " Speaking of which, how is it working with one another, you two?" Cora pointed at them, her indigo nails glimmering.

Stiles was the first to speak, " absolutely awful. We hate each other." He said sarcastically, beginning to chuckle. I pursed my lips, smirking.

  " No, but in all honesty, Lydia is great to work with. She's professional yet down to earth. She's really fun, and great at what she does. She's one of those actors that you watch, and they make you want to be better. A better actor, but in this case, also a better person." Stiles told Cora, a smile growing on his lips. He then placed his stare on Lydia, who's set of eyes were already on him. His eyes lingered a bit longer than they should've as she turned to Cora.

  " I would have to say when I first heard Stiles Stilinski was playing the male lead in this film, I wasn't particularly winning any guessing bets. Although, on the first day of shooting, he changed my mind completely, and I knew he was perfect for this role. I think Stiles is a really underrated actor, and he deserves more roles like this. I'm sure when Mizpah comes out, everyone else will agree." Lydia complimented Stiles.

She bit her lip, noticing the way Stiles watched her speak. Wonderment and interest glazing in his amber eyes.

  " Wow, seems like you guys have grown really close. I'm sorry, but I have to ask, are you dating?" Cora questioned.

Her voice echoed in both their heads, not knowing what to say. Ever since their first kiss together, they were kind of inseparable. They went out almost everyday, and longed to kiss each other during shoots. Still, neither of them had yet to label it yet, but that didn't stop everyone from begging to know. Their relationship was more natural, and even though the whole world knew about it; it still was only between them. Stiles and Lydia had never even discussed revealing to the press about them. Lydia, who didn't want to scare away Stiles and shrinked in her seat, stayed quiet.

  " I'm very lucky to say Lydia Martin is my girlfriend." Stiles said surprisingly, leaving Lydia astonished.
When two celebrities dated, they were supposed to be not that open about it to the press. Stiles always had to push the boundaries, and Lydia loved it.

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