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"Oh today I'm just a drop of water, and I'm running down a mountainside, come tomorrow I'll be in the ocean, i'll be rising with the morning tide."

30 days before filming

The loud buzz of Lydia's cellphone interrupted her from her precise and focused nail painting session. She glanced across the table to see the display name of Braeden calling. Hesitantly, she messily placed the cap back on the glass bottle that contained the pure black nail polish. Lydia answered her phone, being careful not to touch her fingernails on anything, in the fear of it smudging.

" Hello?" She called out into the abyss of her device.
" Hi dear, it's Braeden!" Her manager spoke excitedly. Braeden had been her manager for as long as Lydia could remember. She first picked her up off her feet when she was auditioning for gum commercials and all she had to her name was five bucks.

" So, what's happening?" Lydia knew something was up.
" Remember 'Mizpah,' the indie film you got an audition for?" Braeden beamed.
" Yes," Lydia was looking forward to where this was going.

When Lydia had first read the script for 'Mizpah' she absolutely fell in love with it.

At first the offer caught her eye because of the amazing director and writer attached to the project already, but then she read the script. It was so beautifully written, and full of heart. Conversation wise, the dialogue was smart, but not too smart. Lydia thought the end was bittersweet and unpredictable; and it left you wanting more.

" You got the role!" Braeden proclaimed.
Lydia hadn't gotten extremely overwhelmed by getting a role in a long time, so she surprised herself when Lydia gasped and practically yelped at her managers words.
" Oh my god! That's... incredible! I mean, I have no words! I'm just... wow, I'm excited." Lydia couldn't stop smiling.

" So, I haven't really been keeping any tabs open on the movie, who else has joined?" Lydia asked, whilst blowing on her nails, aiding their slow process of drying.
" Well, the actor who will be opposite you, playing Parker, is Stiles Stilinski."
Lydia heard through her cellphone, and suddenly was full of confusion. Stiles Stilinski? What an odd choice, she thought. Stiles Stilinski was a comedy actor. He's the 'teen heartthrob,' as you would say, who stars in silly films and a few rom-coms along the way. Lydia couldn't picture him in a film with so much depth and heartbreak.

Braeden clearly could understand what the static silence meant, and wasn't surprised it would happen.
" I know, not exactly who would come to mind, huh? Although, apparently this is going to be his career-altering role." Braeden explained.

" That's great then, it's always nice to see an actor escape type-casting, I can't wait to start shooting." Lydia shrugged it off. Lydia couldn't say she was totally on board with Stiles Stilinski in a serious oscar-esque type of film, but she was wasn't going to not give him a shot at least.

Plus she got the starring role in a film that she had wanted to be in so badly, and couldn't wait to begin shooting.

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