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I woke up with a smile on my face. Even though the events of last night had made me confused I still remembered what day it was: me and Daniel's date! I still had so many questions that would have to be answered tonight. The date wasn't until 7.00 pm, so I decided to just relax and prepare for the date. I know, I know, it's a lot of fussing for a single date but it was my first date with... with... a guy. And this was a big step in my life. But it felt right and this is how I wanted it to be because I liked Daniel. And hopefully... he liked me?

I quickly wolfed down my breakfast out of excitement. All the arrangements for set for tonight's date!
I decided to call my sister and tell her everything that was going on since she was the person I felt I could trust the most.
D: Hey gurl!
K (Karri, Daniel's sister): Whats up?
D: Guess who's got a date tonighttt?
K: Daniel!! Who is he, who is he, who is he?!
D: His name is Joey and I met him at an audition for my movie.
K: He sounds cool! What does he look like?
D: Light brown hair, green eyes - you know.
K: Well, let me know how it goes!!
D: I'll keep you posted!
K: Wait! One more thing! Where are you two going on the date?
D: Sorry sis it's a surpriseeee!
K: Danny!!
D: Bai, love ya sweetie.
K: love you too Dan.

It was around 5.00 pm when I fell asleep on my couch. I guess I was a little tired from last night. I hadn't done much that day. I just went for a run and relaxed really. There was only 2 hours until the date! Being the Internet- addict I am I whipped out my laptop and began to browse YouTube and various social media websites. I found Daniel's Instagram: @misterpreda
He had quite a few followers and it looked like he was a producer and actor! That was why I saw him at the audition then. I looked through some of his pictures. He live in LA, he had a bunch of friends and he was god damn HAWT. There were various pictures of him in different settings: a beach, downtown LA etc. I couldn't stop looking at his face. That was kind of creepy so I decided not to follow him or like any of his pictures so he didn't think I was stalking him. I reached for by vlogging camera, which lay on my coffee table, and turned it on.
"So everyone! Today I am about to get ready for my..."
Then I went silent. What was I doing? I had decided not to vlog today. It was just a habit I guess. It felt weird though. My fans would wonder what was going on when I didn't upload a video so I better make up something. Of course I hated lying to my psychopaths but I just didn't want them to know about this just yet. I got onto Twitter and tweeted:
'Sorry guys, I'm a bit under the weather today, I won't be vlogging.'

Once the tweet was sent I went upstairs to get ready.

It was 6.57 pm and I stood outside the café, waiting for Joey with my car parked on the street behind me. Nerves pulsed through me. What if he never showed up? He didn't seem like that kind of guy. Just as it turned 6.58 I saw Joey turn a corner ahead of me and began to walk in my direction. He was wearing skinny jeans and a shirt.
I glanced down at my own outfit:
Jogging bottoms and a t-shirt.
I should have warned Joey or told him what to wear!
As Joey arrived in front of me he looked down at my clothes with an odd look.
"Hi Daniel." He smiled.
"Hi Joey." I replied and began to stare at the floor, embarrassed as ever.

"Is there something wrong?" Joey implied.

"Yep." I answered him.

"Uh.. what is it?" Joey had a confused look plastered across his face.

"It's your outfit." I said.

"Um, my outfit?" I said and looked down at my clothes. Well, I thought I looked pretty nice. Daniel was wearing jogging bottoms for goodness sake. Maybe he wasn't the nice guy I thought he was.

"No, no! Your outfit is amazing! It's my fault really I should of warned you of what we are doing tonight!" Daniel said quickly.

"Oh okay, what are we doing then?" I wondered with a sense of relief. And Daniel called my outfit amazing. 😉

"Wellll, you'll see. Ummm... My gym clothes are in the boot of my car! You could wear those!" He said and pointed to his car.
As much as I liked Daniel I didn't really want to be wearing his clothes that he worked out in and sweated in.
I guess Daniel saw the look of unsureness behind my face:

"Oh no, don't worry! They are not dirty! I just washed them haha." He laughed.

"Oh okay thanks." I grinned.
But where would I change?

"You can change in my car. It might be a little awkward. The clothes should fit you." He reassured me.

Wow. Nice guy.
We walked to his car and he lifted his boot open. A pile of clothes lay folded up in front of us.

"There are some pants and a shirt." Daniel said as he handed them for me and opened the door to the car.
I climbed inside and then began to blush.

"Oh, don't worry, I won't look." He giggled and turned to face the café again.

I could hear Joey getting changed in the car. I wanted to turn around and look at him but that was kind of perverted. Even if it was I couldn't stand it. I turned to look through the car window. It was slightly tinted but I could see the outline of Joey slipping my shirt on. I quickly spun back around as he began to get out of the car and giggled to myself.

I am so sorry that I haven't updated in ages I promise i will try and update regularly from now on. Next chapter will definitely be Joey and Daniel's date! Thanks so much for nearly 500 READS HOLY FRICKIN CRAP!! 💞💞

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