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The whole audition went by in a blur. I couldn't focus or gather my thoughts. I didn't know why. I had been working on this audition for weeks and now I'd pretty much messed it all up.
But for some reason, I didn't feel bad about it.
My heart was racing and there was butterflies in my stomach as I left the audition room. I didn't feel upset about my performance because I didn't care and I didn't have a clue why.
I walked out of the audition building and took a breath of fresh air. My stomach had gone back to normal and I was feeling a bit more relaxed now. I decided to get myself a refreshment. I saw a small café and walked over to it. I had visited this café before and it was well-recommended. When I got through the small door a bell rang announcing my arrival. I went up to the counter and asked for a chai latte.

Joey: Can I have a regular-sized cinnamon chai latte please?

Waiter: Of course, anything else?

Joey: No thanks.

I payed and went to sit back down and wait for my drink. Strangely, I couldn't stop smiling, I mean I was a happy person but I never felt this overwhelmed with happiness. After five minutes had passed of me scrolling through Twitter the bell rang again, telling me someone else had arrived. There were only two other people in this café so it definitely was not the busiest. I turned to the door and watched a tall man with dark hair and brown eyes walk up to the counter.

I gasped.

It was him. The man from the audition! He was here.
Suddenly, everything fit into place.
The reason I was feeling so full of joy and so happy was because of him. Only now did I realise how stunningly handsome he was. He was wearing skinny jeans and a denim jacket. He was amazing.

Then, I stopped myself. I was not used to having feelings for another man. Sure, I had been gay for quite a while now and I had only just come out to all of my viewers. I guess all of 'this' was still a little new to me.

I returned back to reality and began watching this man who made my heart ache. I could only just hear what he was saying. He was ordering a drink. When he had finished, he turned back around and I figured he was looking for a place to sit. I quickly moved my gaze back to my phone once again so he wouldn't catch me staring at him. I pretended to be back on Twitter but really my heart was racing the entire time. Part of me wanted him to come and sit next to me but the other part wanted him to sit as far away from me as possible. If he talked to me I would probably say something stupid and mess up any chance of.... us.... or.... our relationship?

A/N: hey guys! I hope you're enjoying this story, don't worry it will get better so bear with me! I am having a lot of fun writing this so keep reading and give me some feedback :) much love to you all! 💞

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