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I woke up in a daze. My insides were tingly and I couldn't help feeling an overwhelming surge of happiness. I couldn't figure why I was on such a high. Then as I lay there in my bed, I remembered. Last night. I remembered Daniel and the trampolines and... and the kiss...
I couldn't keep the smile off of my face.
Should I text Daniel? I mean he did tell me to text him before he vanished into the night. I didn't want to sound desperate though or needy. I'll give it some time and then text him.

I got dressed and walked downstairs for breakfast. I was oblivious to the fact that I was humming a tune to myself and smiling continuously before David asked me what was up.

"What do you mean?" I smiled back.

"Well you're basically a walking ray of positivity." He replied.

"Aren't I always?" I said and began to flip my hair. I chuckled to myself as I realised that I was acting like Daniel.

David laughed.

"Just kidding. But, I had a date last night." I blushed.

"Oh my god! I'm assuming it went well!" He gasped.

"It was amazing."

Me and David sat down and I told him all about the date over breakfast. He even gave me some advice.

I realised that I hadn't thought once about vlogging. I couldn't miss a video twice in a row, my viewers would definitely begin to suspect something. I hated not being able to share things with them. I decided to vlog today but not include the bit about meeting Daniel. Yeah, I'll do that, I thought to myself.

I sat on my couch eating some toast. Wholemeal of course. I couldn't stop thinking about Joey. I had told him to text me. Maybe he had forgotten?
I didn't dare text him or I would sound desperate.
He will text me soon. I mean after all that happened last night he couldn't forget...

It was around midday and I was beginning to worry.
I came to a decision that I was going to text Daniel. I had waited long enough and I couldn't resist any longer.

(Sorry for switching between POVs so often :D)

I stood in the shower and let the warm water run down my body. My mind was on Joey... as always. My phone lay beside the sink outside of the shower. I heard it ping, notifying me that I had received a text. I was so excited with the possibility that it could be Joey that I shut the shower off and didn't even bother to put a towel on as I ran to check my phone. Sure enough it was him.

JOEY: I had fun last night! Are we meeting at the café again today?

I began to type immediately, not caring if he thought I was clingy to have texted back straight away.

DANIEL: Me too! Outside the café at 3.00? We could hang out at my place? ❤️

My fingers hovered over the love heart emoji. Was that too much...?
I pressed the emoji and sent it quickly so I couldn't change my mind.
He responded back almost straight away.

JOEY: I'll be there Mr. Preda! ❤️

I had a small fit of excitement and then returned to my shower to calm myself down.

A/N: OMG OMG I have been gone for SO SO SO SO long! I've come back to OVER 1000 READS!! Thank you so much to everyone and I've decided I will be updating regularly now, so I hope your happy that I'm back! Sorry for the short chapter, I'm still getting back into the swing of things. Thank you very much yet again and I'll speak with you guys very soon!! Love you all 💞

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