eleven/who's a good boy?

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I ran around my bedroom frantically trying to figure out what to wear. It couldn't be anything fancy because we were only hanging out as his place so something casual! But what does casual mean?! As I pulled out clothes and threw them across the room, Wolf sat in the corner looking fed up. After a few minutes of panic I settled for a plain white shirt and some skinny jeans. Simple enough. I ran to my phone and checked the time: 2.50. Wait?! 2.50? No, it can't be 2.50! I have 10 minutes to meet Daniel at the cafe. And I have to walk because David's borrowed the car. I cursed to myself, grabbed my things and dashed downstairs.

I stood outside the café, shivering. It was December and the temperature was freezing. I checked the time on my phone again. 2.55. It wasn't even 3.00 yet but I was still worried that Joey wouldn't turn up. He didn't seem like that kind of person but I had had experiences with being stood up many times and I didn't want it to happen with Joey. I told myself that there was no point in worrying because he still had 5 minutes.
As if I summoned him by thinking of him, I watched Joey turn the corner and jog slowly towards me.
When he got to me he was panting, out of breath.
'Did you run here or something?' I chuckled.
'Pretty much.' He replied.
I gave him a small hug as a greeting but I saw his cheeks turn slightly pink as I did. What a cutie.
'Come on, it's freezing, let's get in the car.' I said and lead him over to my car, which was parked next to us.

The car ride there was fun. Me and Daniel talked and laughed all the way to his. The ride was only 5 minutes because he lived really close but I secretly wished it could of continued for ever.
When Daniel parked up outside his house, a barking emerged from one of the windows.
'Haha, that must be Rocky, he always does this when I get home.'
(A/N I know Daniel doesn't have a dog called Rocky but just go with it)
I smiled, and thought of wolf back home. We got out of the car and made our way to his front door.
'Nice house.' I told him.

'Thanks.' He replied.
He unlocked the door and led me inside. Immediately his dog, Rocky, came running to him, jumped on me and began to give me lots of doggy kisses. I laughed and petted him.

'He likes you!' Daniel told me.
I began to talk to Rocky the way I talk to Wolf, in that low, silly tone.

'Who's a good boy? Are you a good boy?'
'Yes, I'm a good boy!' I replied for the dog. Suddenly, I realised that Daniel had gone quiet. Oh shit. I forgot I was talking like that and immediately stood up and began to blush furiously. Daniel just stood there, his face expressionless. Oh God, he must think of crazy. He's not saying anything... Why isn't he saying anything?!
We stood there in silence for a second until Daniel burst out laughing. He laughed so hard, he fell to his knees. I chuckled as well, still a little embarrassed. He was practically and the floor, in fits of laughter. Seeing him act like this made me laugh harder. I fell to the ground as well until I was hysterically laughing on the floor with him. We rolled around and laughed until or sides hurt. I can only imagine what we would of looked like to a passerby. Two grown men, on the floor laughing like 4 year old with the front door wide open.

(A/N: YAY! I hope you like it! I haven't updated in a while but I'm definitely gonna be updating regularly from now on. Expect a special Christmas chapter very soon, as Christmas Eve is tomorrow! ALSO THANK YOU FOR OVER 1000 FRICKIN READS HOLY CRAP GUYS!! Hope you enjoyed and Merry Christmas!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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