Chapter One

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If you've read other fan fics then you know the drill. (Y/n) = your name.

*Mark's Pov*
"Yes...Okay...Yeah that's fine...I'm sure we'll have fun. Well I'll see you soon. My flight leaves at 8 o'clock, so I have a few hours. I wont be there till late though...Well I'm excited to see you again too, it's been years. Alright thanks for the call. Buh-bye now." I hang up. That was the longest phone call of my life. Why would they call me at 4:30 am? It's 5:43 now so I should start getting my stuff ready. After all plane security takes quite a bit time.

I'm going to visit an old friend of my dads. I haven't seen them since when he was alive. We got in contact recently and decided I would come for a visit. They have a daughter, but every time my dad and I would see them she seemed to be at her dad's house or a friends house. She seems to be gone a lot so she must have a lot of friends or even be a bit popular at school. I think Nancy had said she's 18 now. I would say that makes me feel old, but I don't think I ever knew or paid any attention to her age. Since I never met her of course.

I hope she isn't awkward around me. We haven't ever met so I don't want her to feel weird about a random guy she doesn't know staying at her house for a while. Luckily, Nancy set up a room for me to do my let's plays. So I'm bringing my recording equipment with. After a very long and boring flight I am at yet another airport. I'll soon be back at a house and then I can upload some videos. My fans deserve them. I stand in front of the airport doors waiting.

"They said they would be here any min-"

"Mark? Is that you?"

I turn and see her. One of my dad's old friends. Of course she looks older than I remember. But that's what time does. "Nancy? It's so good to finally see you!"

"Yeah, it is. It's been so long. (Y/n) is back at home. She didn't want to come. I don't think she likes the idea of you staying with us."

"Why can't this free loader stay at a hotel?"

"Honey, Mark isn't a free loader, he really is a really sweet guy. I think you guys will get a long great!"

"Yeah, okay."
*End of Flashback*

"Well I'm sure she'll get over it." I put my things in the car and she starts driving to her house. Luckily they live close, so it was a short drive. Only about 5-10 minutes. We pull up to a decent sized house.

I grab my things. "You got all that, Mark?" Nancy asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks though." We make our way into the house. I see who I assume is (y/n) on the couch staring deeply into her phone with the phone playing a tv show on Netflix in the background. Which I assume she is not paying attention to since the tv is asking "Are you still watching?"

"(Y/n), this is Mark. Say hi to him."

"Hey," she says. Her eyes still glued to her phone.

"Hello, as your mom said, I'm Mark." I gave a small wave as I set my suitcases down even though I know she's too deep into her phone to notice.

She gives a puzzled look to her phone. I watch as she slowly turns her head in my direction saying, "You sound a lot like-" she stops. Staring at me. "Wait...y-you're Mark...a-as in Markiplier?"

"Yeah, that's me!" I chuckle a little.

"Oh, that's right! I totally forgot to tell the both of you! Mark my daughter is a huge fan, (y/n), Mark is the guy who came over every time you were gone," Nancy says from the kitchen. "(Y/n), why don't you show Mark where he'll be sleeping."

She jumps up from the couch and I grab my bags again. I follow her down a short hallway.

"This is your room." I walk in and set my things down yet again. I turn and (y/n) is still staring at me in a daze. She can't believe her eyes. The great and powerful Mark is here!  I laugh a little.

"Still can't believe its me huh?" I take a couple small steps toward her, with my hands shyly in my pocket.

She shakes her head, "No, I'm fine." She puts a hand to her head.

"You sure you're okay?" I chuckle.

"Yeah, it's just hard to believe. I dont know how my mom never told me she knew you, and that I had a close connection to you."

"You wanna sit down and talk for a bit? Or jump around yelling yo help get it out of your system maybe?"

"I don't know. I don't really want you to think I'm a freak." She stares down at her feet, sliding her foot around the floor.

"Puh-lease, I've dealt with crazier people than you. I walked into your house randomly and you've kept your cool this whole time! Come on, get your squeals out," I laugh.

She sways side to side debating on if she should or not. A smirk spreads across a small part of her face. Then soon turns into a full grin. She starts jumping up and down. "Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD! MARKIPLIER IS IN MY HOUSE!" She runs up and tackles me causing both of us to tumble back onto the edge of the bed. She wraps her arms around me tightly still giving girly squeals. She scrambles onto her feet. "I'm sorry!" She helps me back up.

"No, no. That's quite all right. I technically told you to do it." We both laugh.

"Well, it's almost 11 now and you've been on a plane all day so I'll let you get some rest. I'll try not to be a bother to you the rest of your stay, but I make no promises," she gives a nervous laugh.

"Goodnight, (y/n). Have sweet dreams," I smile.

"Night , Mark, and you too." She waves at me and I, her.

She closes my door and I change into my pajamas. My 'home is where the pants aren't' saying wont work here, sadly. I decide to call it a night and catch some shut eye. Thus, ending the day.

So this is chapter one. I have three other chapters ready in my notebook I just have to transfer them here. I'll try posting once a day maybe more. Tell me how you like it so far!

I'm Not Perfect Either (Markiplier X Reader) *UNDER REVISION*Where stories live. Discover now