Chapter Twenty

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I text (y/n). Not that I'm expecting her to answer right away; or at all. I'm apologizing to her about what happened between my mom and I. She didn't need to see that all happen. I lay back in the hospital bed. Just wanting to get out. I hate being trapped in the hospital like a prison. There's nothing to do when the doctors are always checking up on you; making sure you stay put.

I'm not hungry so j don't want to get food. I sit, flipping through channel, but nothing good is on. I grab my phone and check the time. 9:36. (Y/n) is either showering or already in bed. I'm not creepy for knowing that. You're all weird for not knowing as much as I do. Don't tell me! If she is showering, there's a chance she'll still check her phone and text back. Or she already saw it and is choosing to ignore me.

I check on my bandage. Blood has started to seep through it. "Damn," I say under my breath. I hit the button to call the nurse. I know it's normal to have it bleed through the bandage. I just don't like it. The nurse walks in.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asks, with too bright of a smile on this late at night if you ask me.

"I was just wondering if someone could change my bandages. It bled through."

"No problem. I could do that for you. Just let me grab some new ones." She exits the room. Her cheeriness is getting to me. It's starting to put me in a good mood. She enters the room just as happy as ever. She lays the bed back and starts to remove my bandage.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" I ask. Just trying to get rid of my boredom.

"Well, my boyfriend, or should I say fiancé, just proposed yesterday!"

I smile. "Wow! That is really good news! I'm glad you've found someone you really love. Can I see the ring?"

"Thank you, and this is it." She holds her left hand in front of my face. Revealing a diamond engagement ring with the words 'I love you' engraved in the side.

"That's a beautiful ring," I confess to her. "How did he propose?" She finishes putting the bandages on.

"Well, we went on a picnic with our new puppy. He's a golden retriever. Anyways it happened so quickly. One minute we were laughing and eating. The next he was on one knee and I was crying."

"You're a very lucky girl. Congratulations," I say. "And thank you for getting me new bandages."

"No problem. Let me know if you need anything else." She smiles and walks out of the room; closing the door behind her.

I check the time again. Only ten minutes have passed since the last time I checked. I'm feeling woozy. My head is spinning and my eyes are getting heavy. (Y/n) still hasn't responded. She's probably in bed for the night. I think it's time I do the same.

*Your Pov*
How could I possibly have slept last nig bt? My mother questioned me about everything that happened. She'd seen the videos we made and there was a news story about it. I explained everything. I know Mark didn't want her to know. She took the information better than expected.she was happy Mark dud all that for me. Just to make sure be kept my mom's word. She's happy I'm safe and that the crazy lady is in jail.

As for me, I'm happy my mother doesn't hate Mark for this. I think she's visiting Mark today. I don't think he knows that she knows everything.

Hey guys sorry for the late upload. Please do me a favor! My friends and I are making a youtube channel. It's called Teaparty of the dead. We only have two videos up right now but plenty more to come. It would be much appreciated! Thanks and love you so much! I will see you! In the next chapter, Buh-Bye!!!

I'm Not Perfect Either (Markiplier X Reader) *UNDER REVISION*Where stories live. Discover now