Chapter Eighteen

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"Hey guys, it's me again. Mark woke up just as I ended the last viseo. So here is Mark with an update on what had happened." She pauses the video recording, and hands off the phone to me. I hit the record button again.

"Hey guys, Markiplier here. Now I don't want any of you to panic, but I have been shot. Don't worry though, they got the bullet out successfully and I'm going to recover very soon. I won't say who is responsible for it, however I will tell the story of how it happened." I retell the whole story of how (y/n) had been kidnapped by someone I used to fancy. I'm very vague on the story, since I don't want them to figure out who did it. "And in order to make sure she was safe, I jumped in front of her like superman; taking the bullet for her. So the story will make more sense ad to why I went through all this trouble for her is, well, we are dating. I've said it before but some of you dont like the drunk minecraft videos so I'm saying it again. Yes, I know, I'm sorry to all you fangirls out there. I'm sorry your hearts are breaking right now. Just please, please be happy for us. Thank you guys all for your love and prayers. And as always. I will see you! In the next video. Buh-bye!" I upload the video and set my phone down.y chest is killing me. Like really killing me. How can I possible be okay after getting shot in the chest? I peek under the covers to see my bandages. To my surprise, there's no sign of blood on them.

"Your mom was here." (Y/n) says bluntly.

"Where did she go?" I ask.

"I don't know. Just said she had important things to attend to. Didn't say about what. Then she just left," she says. She looks like she isn't paying attention to herself. She's staring off into space.

"How long ago was that before I woke up?" It's not like my mom to leave before knowing if I'm alright.

"About an hour and a half." She pauses. "She made me feel better about you being hurt, though." She seems sorrowful.

"Is everything alright?"

"Your mom seems great Mark. Really. But, why on earth would she leave without knowing for sure that you were okay? And pardon if this is out of line or rude, why did you portray her so poorly in your draw my life video? It seems like she was causing all the problems."

I think long and hard about what (y/n) is asking. To be honest, I don't know how to respond.

I guess there's only one way to answer. "My mom's a witch and I'm adopted. She has magic powers that can heal. Which is why I'm not bleeding anymore."

"What?!" Her jaw drops.

I start laughing hysterically. Which hurts a lot more than laughing should. "I'm so kidding! Wow, did you really believe me?!"

"Well I think I should be able to believe my own boyfriend! What, should I stop believing you? Okay, I guess 'Barbara' is really your wife then huh?"

"(Y/n) come on! It was just a jok3! It was funny!"

She laughs softly. "I know. But in all seriousness now, Mark."

"I guess that's just how my mom is. She likes to pick fights. Always has."

"Well she was right about 'Barbara'. Okay I don't want to keep calling her that. I understand keeping her identity from youtube, but you can tell me."

She had a point. It is weird to hear her say 'Barbara'. I decide it's time I tell (y/n). I whisper her name in (y/n)'s ear.

I'm Not Perfect Either (Markiplier X Reader) *UNDER REVISION*Where stories live. Discover now