Chapter Five

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*Mark's Pov*
It's been a month and a half now. I feel heartbroken for breaking hearts. I just really want to make things better. She is a really nice girl. She deserves so much more than she is given. She deserves more happiness. I know it will happen when the time is right. All I can think is what if it doesn't? What if I really was her last chance for the happiness she needs? I will do anything to make her happy again.

My phone starts going off. I rush to answer hoping it's (y/n) finally texting me back. But it's not. It's Nancy.

Her: I need a favor. For (y/n).

Me: Of course! Anything!

I read the next message. It's probably the only thing I can do to restore her happiness. The plan is perfect all together. It's sweet and will surprise her completely.

All I respond to her is perfect. I make sure that weekend I have nothing going on. In 3 days I'm going to make (y/n) the happiest girl alive. Unless this plan goes wrong and she still hates my guts. I really hope not. I hope she forgives me.

*Your Pov*
Just laying in bed yet another day. Mom forced me to buy a dress and ticket for prom. I'm going with (f/n), even though she has a date. So I get to have fun and third wheel it. My last year of prom is going to be just like the previous one. I haven't watched one of Mark videos since he left. Since we fought. I'm now 2 months behind. Soon to be years. I don't even want to be reminded of him.

I go and change into my dress. It's a mermaid style dress. It fits tightly around my waist and hips then flares out. Its red with black sparkles the upper half and the bottom half is black with white sparkles. The poofy part is made out of that weird material they use to make tutus. The top half is made of silk. It's comfy so I'll be able to wear it all night.

I hear the doorbell. I instantly know it's (f/n). I quickly finish my hair, but not quick enough. I hear my mom answer the door. I finally finished my hair and start walking down the stairs. About halfway down, someone appears at the bottom. I instantly start bawling my eyes out. My heart is beating uncontrollably. I feel like I'm going to faint. My mom is standing at the bottom of the stairs... With a man in a suit... Mark.

He's holding roses and has a rose corsage for me. I guess roses is his theme. To match my dress maybe? Since it's red. Who knows.

*Mark's Pov*
I'm really nervous. I knock on the door, then check to make sure my suit and tie are straight. Nancy answers the door.
"Mark!" She hugs me. "Thank you so much for doing this! You don't know how much this means to me, and how much it'll mean to her!"

"I'm more than happy to." I walk inside.

"I hear her coming down!" Nancy does kind of a whisper yell. I hide at the side of the stairs, while Nancy stands at the bottom. She gives me a slight nod and I walk over. I look up at her. She looks so beautiful. I always thought she did. But this time was different. My heart was beating out of my chest.

She starts to cry. I run up the rest of the stairs and make sure she's okay. I wipe her tears away. Her makeup was smearing.

"Hey," she says, her eyes glued to mine.

"Hello..." I pause, getting teary eyes. I feel a lump inmy throat. "As your mom said...I'm Mark." I smile. I feel a tear slide slowly down my cheek. Her thumb wipes away my tear.

"As in Markiplier?" She smiles.

"Exactly," I whisper. "(y/n), my plan is to make this the best weekend ever."

She hugs me.

"So does this mean you forgive me?"

"Of course!" She pulls away from our hug.

"You may want to fix your makeup," I laugh.

Her eyes grow wide. "Oh my! You're right!" She runs back up the stairs. She comes back down and her makeup is perfect. Just like her.

"We should go. Don't wanna be late to prom." I smile.

"Yeah." She smiles back. I held up my arm and she grabs it. We walk down the rest of the stairs. I hand her the roses and put the corsage on her wrist. We get ready for her prom picture. She stands slightly in front of me and I place my hands on her waist. Her mom pulls out her phone and takes a picture.

"Mark...I trust you not to kill me daughter tonight." She hugs us before we go.

We walk outside and she starts to freak out when she sees the limo. "You got me a limo?!"

"I told you. Best weekend ever." I whisper in her ear.

She blushes. We get into the limo and we had for her school. Once we get there we meet her friend and her date outside the doors.

"(y/n), your date is Mark! I so didnt believe it when your mom called and told me!" They both squeal.

"He just showed up at my house last minute! I about died! He got me roses and this corsage! "

"He's such a sweet guy!" They continue talking as if me and her date just disappeared. We walk inside and listen to the girls talk.

I turn to (f/n)'s date. "So I'm Mark." I hold my hand out to him.

"Ryder." We shake hands and turn our attention back to the girls.

It's been a while since my last high school prom. I'm a little nervous. I really want this to be the best weekend for her. I watch her and her friend dancing together like complete idiots to the beat of the song playing. She motions her finger for me to come closer. I can't help but laugh. I make my way to her and join them in their crazy dancing. The whole time I'm staring at (y/n). Admiring her. Something about her just makes me super happy.

She catches me staring at her. I don't look away. Neither does she. She knows how I feel now. I know how I feel. All the times I felt confused about what my feelings were trying to say have become clear. It was all because of her. She's the reason why I feel so nervous around her. Why I'm just scared to mess this up like the last time.

Then I realize...I don't want this weekend to ever end.

Honestly when I was writing the part when she walked down the stairs and saw Mark my heart was racing I was giving myself the feels. I hope it gave you guys the feels too. So that was chapter 5 let me know what you guys think. Thanks for reading love you!

I'm Not Perfect Either (Markiplier X Reader) *UNDER REVISION*Where stories live. Discover now