Chapter Two

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I wake up to the most wonderful smell in the world. BACON! Before I do anything I stretch in my bed, and little tired moans escape me. I curl back up in a ball not wanting to get up. Then I overhear talking in the kitchen.

"You sure he'll like all this bacon and sausage, (y/n)?"

"Positive mom. I've seen every video and most of them talk about how much he loves his meats."

I laugh to myself. Cute. She's seen all my videos. She must be really dedicated to my channel. 'Cause that's a lot of yelling, and screaming, and dumb to put up with in every video.

"Go see if he's awake, would you hun?" Nancy says. "And be quiet about it."

I hear footsteps coming to my room. Then the door squeaks open all the way.

"Mark? You awake?" I hear her take a couple steps closer to my bed. I still really didn't want to get up, but it's about time now.

I turn over only to see her walking back towards the door. "(Y/n)?" I say in almost a whisper.

*Your Pov*
I hear him call my name quietly. It sounds just like when he talks low and serious in his game plays. It sends shivers down my spine. I turn back to face his bed.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" My voice is a little shaky. I'm still nervous around him.

"No, not at all!" He sits up shaking his head. I can't help but notice he's shirtless, and his abs. "I was up before you came in here." He stretches, him tensing up just defines his muscles more. I feel my face get hot, I avert my gaze quickly in hopes he doesn't notice it.

"You sure? Because you didn't respond right away."

"Well, I was still debating on whether to wake up or not," he laughs.

"We made breakfast...that's if you're hungry." I never knew it would be so hard to talk to my hero. I thought it would come naturally. You would think I'd just keep babbling on and on, then he'd become annoyed with me. Instead I'm speechless, and awkward. "It's, uh, bacon, sausage, pancakes, and orange juice."

"I'd love some, thank you so much," he says, voice still low and soft. Another shudder.

"I shall leave you to change then my good sir," I say in a English type accent, closing his door. I face palm. Why did I do that?

*Mark's Pov*
She closes my door and I walk over to my suitcase. I pull out my famous "lucky flannel" and a pair of blue jeans. The perfect outfit for gaming. Minus the pants. Can't blame a guy for wishing. I step out of my room and then am immediately overcome by the scent of bacon and sausage. Some of the best smells. Once in the kitchen, I see they are already at the table. They have a plate at the table for me as well. I take a seat and after taking one bite of bacon my mouth waters uncontrollably. Flavor just explodes in my mouth.

"Mmmmm. Thank you so much." I finish chewing. "This really is absolutely amazing."

"Glad you like it, Mark," Nancy says. "It was all (y/n)'s idea. She really wanted to make you happy this morning." Nancy smirks while glancing up. I look to (y/n) and she's blushing. She looked to me and I avert my gaze.

"Well thank you, (y/n). That was very thoughtful of you." I smile at her. She looks down at her food and smiles. Her cheeks turn pink. I smile to myself this time. Her reactions are just too precious.

"It really was nothing. Just had the idea from your videos." She smiles to herself. I wonder why she is so smiley. She didn't seem too much like this yesterday, when I first arrived. Only when I told her it was cool for her to fangirl.

After breakfast I realize I should get some videos uploaded and recorded. Nancy shows me the room where I can record in and I thank her. I set up my things and start recording.

"Hello, everybody! My name is markiplier and welcome to what I'm assuming will be the final episode of five nights at Freddy's four. 20/20/20/20 mode! Or... however many 20's there need be. So don't know if the rumors for a five nights at Freddy's the DLC are true, but if they are you bet your cute little asses I'll also play it!" Screaming my head off is a good way to make a video better. During my recording I hear a knock at the door. I pause the game and recording.

"Come in!" I call out.

"Hey, Mark," (y/n) says, opening the door slowly.

"Oh, hey, (y/n). What's up?" I turn back and fourth in my spinny chair casually.

"Nothing, just my mom wanted me to let you know she left for work so it's just us. I didn't even notice my mom set this room up for you. That sure would've helped me realize and prepare it was you." She leans back on the door closing it. "Also it's starting to storm outside," she adds.

"Alright, thanks for letting me know." I put my headphones back on. I turn back to the game.

"Oh, hey, Mark?" she says quietly.


"Could I...could I maybe watch you? I promise I'll be quiet. Just think it would be cool to see the whole thing in action."

"Of course you can." She comes and sits in a chair next to me and I continue my recording. Countless screams later I finally beat the game completely.

"So that was five nights at Freddy's four. I thoroughly enjoyed this entire series. I really hope there is a DLC to add more to this amazing story. So thank you everybody so much for watching. Click the annotations for more videos that I have done. And as always, I will see you... In the next video. Buh-bye!" I ended the recording. I couldn't help but notice (y/n) mouthing my outro.

"So you really do watch a lot of my videos, huh?"

"How could I not? You truly are amazing Mark!" She starts to blush.

"Well, thank you!" I laugh.

"No, Mark, thank you. I-I don't think you hear it enough."

*Your Pov*
My heart is beating like crazy. I don't know why either. All I'm doing is thanking him. He deserves to be thanked. He deserves to know how much he means to me, and the good impact he's made in my life. Before I know it my face is buried in his chest and I'm sobbing. Our arms are wrapped around each other. I can't believe I'm hugging my hero and telling him how important he is too me. I've seen videos of people doing this and now it's my reality too.

"Hey, its okay. Please don't cry," his voice cracks. Then I start to laugh.

"Wait," he loosens his grip on me. "Are you happy or sad?" He asks. I wipe my tears away. I notice his eyes are glossy.

"I was sad, but for some reason when you tried to comfort me I started to laugh. I feel like a mess right now."

"You're a mess? Look at me! I was going to cry just because you were!"

"This happens to me all the time with your videos! If you cry I cry!" I choke out a small laugh.

"I guess it's the same for me. You cry I cry." He pushes my hair behind my ear. "Just don't cry too much. I hate seeing fans cry upon my presence." His hand lingers on my face for a bit. Only then did I notice his other hand was still on my waist. I feel our faces are just inches apart. I feel his breath on mine. I watch Mark, as he closes his eyes and very slowly and carefully, he leans in. I close my eyes to prepare. I feel like my heart is going to be out of my chest. He is going to kiss me. Markiplier, is about to kiss me... Right? But it doesn't happen...

I knew it was too good to be true.

I'm Not Perfect Either (Markiplier X Reader) *UNDER REVISION*Where stories live. Discover now