Chapter Nineteen

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"How is my mom right about her?" I ask.

"She only said 'Now do you see why I didn't trust her?'"

"Doesn't mean she's right. My mom's probably the reason she turned psycho crazy on us in the first place."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I jump in a startle. It's my mom. I'm guessing (y/n) is startled too. I see her jump in the corner of my eye. "You think I'm the one to blame for all this? You think it's my fault I have a son whom is so incompetent with listening to me, that he goes and dates some weirdo who ends up trying to kill him?"

"Mom, you're taking this way out of context. It's jus-"

"You think it's my fault your father and I got a divorse? You think it's my fault you have those anger management problems?"

"Mom, you know that's not true anymore! It was only for a month!"

She walks closer to the bed. Now I know the big blow is coming. I can see it in her fiery eyes. "You think it's my fault that you, my own son, is lying to everyone about who he is? Go on Mark. Tell (y/n) who you really are, deep down inside." And there it is. (Y/n) looks to me with sorry eyes. She doesn't want to be here right now. Hell, I don't even want her to be here right now.

"Mom, please. We both know that was the old me. I've changed. That was so long ago. Even then it was just a short phase; I'm not that person anymore! It's not who I am, it's not who I was! And to answer all your questions, yes! Yes I think it's your fault! When is it not? You're so egotistical! Everything is about you! Dad worked his ass off for you, but it wasn't good enough was it? You just had to pick fights!" I was full on yelling. Yelling louder than I do in my let's plays. If I have to put a scale on how loud I am, it's louder than when I played I am bread. "It's all your fault mom! You fight about everything and anything! You cause me to have anger issues and turn into you! I fought with a girl I cared a lot about, because of you! You caused all of this! Everything is because of you!!" My breathing is way heavy. I need to calm down, but I can't. This woman is crazy and needs to figure it out. She is the cause of all problems in my family. (Y/n) sits there in pure amazement. This js the side of me she's never seen. A side that only comes out when I'm around my mom.

"It's getting pretty late. Miss Fischbach it was very nice to meet you. Mark, I'm sorry about what happened. Get better soon. Bye." And with that she turns around to leave. Mom doesn't even try to acknowledge her leaving.

"(Y/n) wait!" But it's too late. She's already out the door.

"Ouch. Another one gone due to your incompetence."

"My fault? You scared her off trying to get a rise out of me!"

"You scared her, letting her see the side of you she didn't know existed. The side you try to keep hidden. Give it up Mark. This isn't you. No matter how much you want it to be."

She's wrong. She's so wrong. This is me. I've changed. I've gotten through my dark time. She's trying to bring me down with her. I open my mouth to reciprocate, but before I could, I notice my mom had left. Of course she'd leave.

She never wants to talk things through.

I'm Not Perfect Either (Markiplier X Reader) *UNDER REVISION*Where stories live. Discover now