[3] The Joker

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Amy slowly opened the door and walked inside, "Mom? Dad? Lucas? Anybody home?" No answer. "Mom! Dad! Lucas! I'm home!"  Still no answer.

"Huh, weird....well I'll just go get a snack and go to bed." Amy walks into the kitchen and screams, "No! Mom!" Her mom's dead body laid on the floor and she had a mask that looked like...the Joker.

Amy falls to the ground and cries, after awhile she stood up and walked into the living room to see her dad's dead body laying there the same way mom looked. She runs upstairs to her brothers room and knocks, "L...Lucas?" No answer.

Amy walks in and see's Lucas's dead body on his floor and looked like the Joker. Amy runs and hugs him crying, "Why....why you!"

Amy hears a noise and walks slowly to her bedroom and opens the door to see....."What are you doing here, Joker!" Amy screamed.

"Why darling your parents were enemies to me so I killed them." The Joker said, "Then why'd you kill Lucas!" Amy screeched, "He tried to save his lil' ol parents so I killed him." The Joker said laughing.

"You are a despicable person...what now, are you going to kill me too!?" Amy spat, "Why no darling that wouldn't be much fun would it? I'm going to torture you by leaving you an only child." The Joker said laughing hysterically, the Joker walked out of the room...but before he left he smacked Amy real hard and she hit the door frame, he left laughing.

The Joker went downstairs and Amy heard Shadow whine and cry and Amy ran downstairs and saw Joker stabbing Shadow with a knife. Shadow then said, "Amy! I'm sorry! I failed, I tried to save them! I really did."

Then Amy heard that last whine and nothing else, Shadow had died. Amy ran to Shadow and hugged him crying while the Joker walked out laughing until the police showed up and dragged her outside.

Amy saw Shadow being covered in a plastic tarp thing and cried saying,
"You tried your best, Shadow, you did good, you did good, rest in peace."

"Dick...I think you want to see this," Bruce called out, "Yes, Bruce?" Dick answered coming over to the computer and looked up and gasped.

"No, Amy!" Dick screeched, "Is she fine!? What happened!? Who did this!? Oh the guy who did this will pay!" Dick screamed out with fists raised, "Dick, calm down, were going over there now. As Batman and Robin," Bruce said calming Dick down a little.

Dick immediately runs over to his Robin suit and puts it on, Bruce joins in and puts his Batman suit on and they ride off in the Batmobile while Batman fills Robin in on what happened.

When they finally arrived Robin jumped out and ran towards Amy, "Are you alright Am....uh citizen." Robin asked, "Uh....yeah except for the really hard smack the Joker did, which slammed me into the door frame." Amy said, Robin looked at Amy's big black and purple bruise with a giant cut and blood because he had a hidden knife in his hand.

"That monster! What's your name?" Robin asked, "Amy...and yeah he is a monster he...he killed my family and then my dog in front of my eyes." Amy replied with tears in her eyes, "Well then, Amy, me and Batman will look at the evidence and do whatever we can to help you." Robin said, "Oh thank you." Amy said and then kissed his cheek.

Robin tried to act cool but failed when his face turned beet red, "Well I better get going...bye!" Robin ran off inside the house with Batman, "Bye." Amy replied.

After they looked at the house Batman and Robin went back and changed their outfit to Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne and went to Amy's house. "Amy, are you alright!?" Dick said as he ran to Amy, Amy looked at Dick and then said. "No!"

As she hugged and cried into his shoulder, he said, "I heard what happened, I'm so sorry for that." Amy looked up and smiled then sobbed into his chest again.

"Hey, it's OK alright? Everything will be OK." Dick reassured Amy, Amy looked at Dick and said. "Thank you," then cried again.

Dick looked up to see Bruce staring at them and he seemed to be thinking about something until he said, "the authorities couldn't find any other family members that could take care of you Amy but....maybe if you'd like...instead of going to an orphanage you could live with us?"

Amy looked at Bruce then at Dick and then said, "um...yea! Thank you so much!" Amy went and hugged Dick again then Bruce said, "why don't you get some of your stuff and we'll get going." Amy looked at him then said. "okay."

Amy ran up to her room and grabbed her backpack then packed her books and her stuffed pink bunny she's had since she was a baby named Mr. Snuffle and a bunch of other things like her favorite shirt and jeans then went to her brothers room and grabbed the old baseball they used to play with then went downstairs and told Bruce and Dick she was ready.

They drove off in the limousine and the whole time she just stared out the window and didn't say a word, even though everyone else was talking and asking her things.

She just zoned everyone and everything out.

(I actually almost cried when Shadow died)

And remember! Stay Whelmed!

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