[10] The Team

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Amy's POV

"Amy? Are you okay, Amy?" I heard a voice say, I immediately jerked up and hit something. I yelped in pain and fell off whatever I was on. I groaned, "Ow."

Someone picked me up and put me back on the soft thing, I looked around and saw fuzzy humans. I squinted as I looked around, everything cleared up and I found out where I was.

"Ahh! No, no, no!" I jumped up and ran but tripped over something, a small can? I rolled a bit until I hit something, I looked up and saw Superman.

Oh gosh not him again, he crossed his arms. I growled at him and stood up, I looked around the room and saw the Justice league. Oh gosh no! I got captured!

"Amy, calm down, we're here to help." Superman said, I growled at him. "Why am I here!?" I shouted, I looked at Robin and gave him a sad look.

"We found you on the ground of a park and took you here." Batman said, "Oh yeah, I fell from like fifty feet high in the air." I mumbled, I heard Robin gasp.

"I'm fine." I growled, I walked over to the only door in the room and tried to open it. "Stupid, door, open." I tried opening it but failed, I used all the strength of my animals and punched the door.

It made a dent and I smiled, I kept punching until Superman grabbed me. I punched him just because I hate him and smiled, "That's what you get." I growled as he held his nose, "Man you pack a punch." Superman mumbled, I grinned.

"That was my point," I told him. He shrugged, I kept punching the door till I broke it down. I ran down the hall but surprisingly wasn't stopped, what?

I turned around and frowned, they were following me to see what I'd do. I ran towards the place where I saw the teleport tube things and watched Hawkgirl step through.

I ran towards her at full speed and shifted into a shrew, the smallest animal on earth. I landed on her shoulder and I held on, we teleported to Mount Justice.

Right as we arrived I shifted into a hawk, I flew over to M'gann and landed in front of her. "Oh hi, Amelia! If you're here that must mean Kid Flash is here also!" She turned to see no one, "Where is he?" She asked, I squawked and flew to Superboy.

"What do you want." He growled, I rubbed against him. But he just pushed me off, that doesn't work, okay then. I ran behind the couch and turned into a Shi poo puppy, they are super cute!

I ran over to Superboy and jumped on his lap, I barked at him. He gave me a look and pushed me off, I whimpered and put my tail beneath my leg and walked over to the corner and hid.

Artemis walked in and gasped, "Aw! Where did this puppy come from?" She ran over to me and hugged me, I licked her and she smiled. "I don't know, she or he just came out of nowhere." M'gann said, I barked at her and jumped on her.

She smiled and started petting me, "Aww! She's so cute! Can we keep her! Please!" The girls shouted, I heard a grunt from Superboy. "What should we name her?" Artemis asked, they looked at me.

"Umm....how about.....Madison!" M'gann exclaimed, that's pretty good. Okay so the puppy I am right now is black and has blue eyes. I barked when I saw Wolf, I ran towards him and sat down.

"Hi! I'm Madison! What's your name!" I said, "Wolf." He said, I smiled. The girls walked over to us, "Wolf, make sure you be nice to Madison." Artemis gave Wolf a look, Wolf looked at me.

He shrugged and walked over to Superboy, he laid down in front of him and closed his eyes. I ran over to him and laid down, I snuggled against him. He's so fluffy!

Okay so I should be able to sleep while being a dog so I'll just go and.........



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