[6] Secrets

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Amy woke up and rubbed her eyes, "Why does everything look weird?" Amy wondered, Amy suddenly realized. "Ah! Crap!" Amy shouted and jumped out of bed running to the mirror to see a red heat figure, "Darn it I got freakin' snake eyes!" Amy shouted then gasped.

"Um...Miss Amy? Is everything alright?" Alfred asked, "Uh...ah...yep, everything's fine!" Amy shouted, "Well get ready for school, Amy."

Amy looked at her snake eyes again, "Uh....yeah, okay, Alfie!" Amy said running to her dresser and grabbing her school clothes she set out on top.

She changed, got ready which was hard with snakes eyes, put shades on and walked down stairs. On the table was what seemed like waffles and pancakes with toppings, Amy sat down at the table and grabbed some waffles and pancakes and put some random syrups on it cause she didn't know which was which and ate.

"Hey what's up with the shades Amy?" Dick asked, "Err...uh...they are...uh...cool?" Amy lied, "Oh uh...okay." Dick said not believing her.

Turtle jumped up and barked, "Hey, Turtle, I have to go to school okay? Ace! Watch Turtle and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble." Amy said, Ace barked in return and Amy chuckled.

After Amy was done she grabbed her bag and ran outside, "Hey wait up!" Dick said running after her, "Yeah what's up?" Amy asked, "Want to ride to school on that." Dick said pointing to a black motorcycle shaped thing, "Wow sure!" Amy ran over to it and sat down behind Dick and they rode off.

Dick drove while Amy smiled enjoying the ride. "So....what's with the shades?" Dick asked, "I already told you! It's cool!" Amy laughed, "Oh really, well then can I try them on?" Dick asked, Amy stopped laughing and looked serious.

"Wha...uh...w..why?" Amy looked scared, "What are you a monster or something?" Dick joked, when they arrived Dick turned around and took off the shades and put them on, "Yeah you're right they are cool." Dick laughed.

Amy looked scared and confused but them she sighed and smiled, "Um yeah....cool." Amy put a fake smile on.

Dick could've sworn that she had snake eyes for a second, "Oh well probably just my imagination." Dick thought, "Let's go to class." Dick said and they went off to class.

Later on Dick looked at Amy and saw that she was looking out the window and whispering to a...squirrel? Dick eyed Amy weirdly and when Amy saw Dick, he mouthed. "What?"

Her eyes went wide and she just smiled and mouthed, "Nothing." Then turned back to the window, whispered something then looked at the teacher. The squirrel went off to a tree and waited, watching Amy.

When school was over Amy walked out of the school and went to Nutty who was sitting in a tree waiting for her.

"Hey Nutty! What's up?"

"Ah nothing much."

"Oh well...uh....I found out where you can stay!"

"You did! That's awesome! Where!?"

"I have a secret hideout and I made a little room for you!"

"That's awesome!"

"Well I have to go, I see Dick coming."

"Okay bye, Amy!"


Amy walked over to Dick and Barbara Gordon, his best friend and said, "Hey, Dick, hey Barbara."
"Hey Amy! What's up girl!" Barbara said, "Ah nothing much, you know, the reg." Amy said smiling.

"Yeah well....uh...we got to go home, come on, Amy, bye, Babs!" Dick said, "Bye, Dick! Bye, Amy!" Barbara said, "What's the rush Dick?" Amy asked, "I need to talk to you, in private." They went to the bike and started the trek home.

Amy looked scared but she asked, "Uh...about...w...what...exactly?"

"About today, when you were talking to a squirrel." Dick said, "What? A squirrel? I can't talk to squirrels." Amy said with a weird look on her face.

"Uh huh then why WERE you talking to it." Dick asked, "I uh....wasn't! I...was um....talking to....myself....yeah I was talking to myself." Amy lied, "Okay then...uh...we're here!" Dick said running inside and then up to his room and plopped on his bed leaving a confused Amy.

Dick sighed and pulled out his homework and got to work but was interrupted by a call.

"Uh hello?"

"Yo what's up."

"Oh uh hey, Wally."

"You don't seem happy, what happened?"

"What? Nothing."

"Uh huh suree."

"Seriously, Wally, it's nothing."

"Well okay then but if you need anything you know you can talk to me dude."

"Yeah I know."

"Well you coming to Mount Justice? Everyone's been wondering where you've been."

"Uh yeah sure, I guess I could take my mind off of things."

"Okay then see ya then, oh and can I PLEASE see Amy?"

"Dude no, we will discuss this later, bye."

"Ugh fine, bye."

Dick hung up and chuckled, Wally's been asking to see Amy ever since he told him about her, Dick got dressed and was about to walk downstairs but remembered Amy, so he climbed out of the window and went to the nearest Zeta beam.

"Robin B01." Everyone ran to Robin and started asking him questions, "Dude where you been?" Superboy asked, "Yeah where were you?" Artemis asked, "I made cookies!" M'gann said, everyone stared at her then at Robin.

"Friends, please! Let him talk," Aqualad said, "Um...well...uh...I err..." Robin started, "He's been on a secret mission with Batman." Kid Flash finished, "Uh...yeah what he said." Robin smiled.

Everyone looked satisfied and went to get cookies, except for Robin and KF (ROBFLASH FOREVER!) "So dude I know that you've been busy with Amy and you said we would discuss this later so.....can I meet her.....PLEASE!"

"Dude no!" Robin said, "PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!" KF begged, "Ugh fine! You've been asking forever!" Robin sighed, "YES! WOO HOO! THANK'S ROB!" KF shouted, running into the kitchen shouting. "YES! ROB SAID YES!" Everyone stared at KF weirdly and shrugged.

Amy walked in the house after her brain remembered what happened, "That was weird, oh well." Amy walked up to her room, locked the door and opened her window.

"Nutty! Come on in!" She shouted, Nutty climbed up a tree and climbed in, "So uh...your room is over here." Amy said going over to her poster.

*KNOCK KNOCK* Amy froze then shouted, "One second!" Amy ran and grabbed Nutty and said, "Hide!" Nutty ran under the bed and hid.

Amy unlocked and opened the door and said, "Yes?" Bruce walked in and sat on the bed then said, "What happened with you and Dick." Amy looked at Bruce confused then said, "Oh uh that......it was nothing."

Bruce looked at her weirdly and said, "Okay um...I'll talk to him later, so uh...how have you been settling in?"

"Um...it's...good I guess, defiantly different then what I'm used to but I'm getting used to it."
Bruce smiled happily and said, "Well dinner will be ready soon, we are having Alfred's famous spaghetti."

"Ooh sounds good!" Amy said, "Well it is!" Bruce laughed and walked out of the room. Amy closed the door and Nutty crawled out from under the bed.

"That was close!" Amy laughed, "You got that right!" Nutty said, "So your room, I have to go eat dinner but here. Click this button on the poster and it will open then click that button to close it okay?" Amy asked, "Alright bye!" Nutty said, "Bye!" Amy called back.

Amy ran downstairs and saw everyone in the living room except for Dick, "Where's Dick?" Amy asked, "He's hanging with some friends." Alfred said, "Oh okay then." Amy sighed.

Suddenly Dick walked in and plopped on the couch, "Umm...hey?" Amy said, Dick looked at Amy and smiled. "Hey." He said, "Dinner's ready!" Alfred shouted, everyone went to the dinner table and ate.

And remember! Stay Whelmed!

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