[5] The Trouble Maker

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(A/N Sorry this is going to be short.)

Dick led Amy outside and to his motorcycle, he hopped on gestured for Amy to get on. Amy got on and they zoomed off, Dick told Amy to close her eyes and she obeyed.

When they arrived he helped Amy off and made sure she couldn't see, he led her inside and to the dog section in Petsmart and told her to open her eyes.

She gasped and hugged Dick, "Oh my goodness, you're joking right!" She asked, "Nope, pick one." Dick said, Amy walked along the dogs and spotted one.

"Hello little guy, how long have you been in here?" Amy asked, the dog barked in response and Amy frowned, "Oh that's horrible! I'll take you home." Amy turned around to Dick and said, "I want this one."

Dick agreed and they adopted the little Golden retriever, "I have the perfect name for you!" Amy exclaimed, the dog barked and she explained. "Turtle! What about that? You like it?" The dog barked and she smiled, "Okay then, Turtle, let's go home."

Amy walked to the motorcycle and got on the back, Dick jumped in the front and drove home while Amy held on to Dick and Turtle.

When they arrived Amy ran inside and called Ace, "Ace! Here boy! I got a new friend for you!" She shouted, "What? Who!" Ace shouted running into the room, Ace gasped.

"Whoa! A puppy! What's his name?" Ace asked, "His name is Turtle." Amy explained. "Hi! I'm Turtle! Amy's my new owner! Who are you?" Turtle asked, "I'm Ace. Now, here's some rules for you mister. Go to the bathroom OUTSIDE." Ace said, "Alright. I will." Turtle said.

Turtle ran into the kitchen shouting, "FOOD!" Amy groaned and ran after him, "TURTLE! NO! Come back here!" She shouted, she ran into the kitchen to see Turtle jumping up at Alfred.

"TURTLE! BAD DOG! Come here!" She shouted, Turtle whimpered and walked to Amy. "Don't ever do that again okay?" Amy said, "Alright, I'm sorry." Turtle looked up with puppy eyes.

"Turtle, puppy eyes don't work on me. Remember the 'secret'," Amy crossed her arms, "Ugh fine!" Turtle growled and walked out of the kitchen.

"Sorry, Alfred!" Amy said, "It's okay, and who is that dog?" Alfred asked, "Uh...he's my new dog. Dick gave him to me." Amy said, "Oh, well, please keep him out of the kitchen." Amy smiled and said, "Will do, Alf." And ran out of the room.

 Amy grabbed Turtle and brought him to her room. "Now, I'm going to show you someone and you CAN NOT hurt him okay?" Amy said, "Okay!" Turtle sat down and waited, Ace came in and did the same.

Amy walked over to the secret and grabbed Nutty, "This is Nutty. He's my friend, he's like family to me, SO DO NOT TOUCH HIM. Unless you're helping him." Amy smiled, they nodded and she put Nutty down.

Turtle ran up to Nutty and asked to play, "Uh.....sure!" Nutty responded, "Let's play tag! I'll be it!" Turtle chased Nutty downstairs and in the living room, "TURTLE! NOT DOWNSTAIRS! NO! NUTTY! COME HERE PLEASE!" Amy ran downstairs, Ace following.

Amy lunged at Nutty and ran into the wall, "Ow. NUTTY! TURTLE! YOU'RE IN BIG TROUBLE!" Amy yelled and chased after them, "GUYS! STOP!" Amy yelled, She lunged at Turtle this time and ran into a lamp, "Man I hate running into things!"

The lamp fell to the floor and shattered. Bruce walked in the front door and Turtle and Nutty ran out, "NO! NUTTY! TURTLE! COME BACK HERE! WE CAN'T LET ANYBODY SEE YOU, NUTTY!"

She ran after them leaving a confused Bruce, "GUYS! COME ON!" Amy ran after them and surprisingly caught up, "STOP!" She lunged at them and grabbed Nutty and ran into a tree, Amy fell to the ground and didn't move.

"Amy? Are you OK?" Nutty asked, "Amy? Please! I'm sorry!" Turtle sat down and licked Amy, "Turtle she ran into that tree hard! She's unconscious, we need to get Bruce!" Nutty said, Nutty and Turtle ran inside and jumped on Bruce.

"Please! Amy's hurt!" Nutty shouted, Bruce tried whacking them off but Turtle grabbed Bruce's shirt and started dragging him outside. "What is it!?" Bruce exclaimed and followed, Bruce gasped.

"Amy! Are you OK?" Amy rolled over and groaned, Bruce picked her up and brought her inside and laid her on her bed. "I don't know who you little guys are but you have to get out." Bruce said and went to grab Nutty, Turtle growled at him and he backed off.

Turtle jumped on the bed and licked her face, "Please wake up, Amy." Turtle whimpered, Nutty jumped on the bed also and sat down and waited.

So there, a dog and a squirrel, sitting on the bed waiting for their owner to wake up. Bruce sighed and let them stay.

An hour later Amy woke up and groaned, "Nutty! Turtle! Oh you're in BIG trouble! Did anyone see you, Nutty?" Amy asked, Nutty gulped.

"Uh....maybe." Nutty backed up, "What!" Amy growled at Nutty, "Who!" She asked, "Uh....Bruce." Amy's eyes widened, "BRUCE SAW YOU! Oh no, I'm in trouble now." Amy groaned, Bruce walked in and stared.

"Amy, are you OK? What happened?" Bruce asked, Amy gulped. "Uh yeah I'm fine, and I was chasing Turtle because he escaped and when I lunged at him I ran into a tree......also a wall.......and a lamp." Amy smiled, "What! You ran into a wall, a lamp and a tree!?" Bruce exclaimed.

"Uh....yeah....I'm fine." Amy lied, "Amy! What about me?" Nutty asked, "Oh uh.....I'll deal with you later, Nutty." Amy said looking at Nutty, "You know this squirrel?" Bruce asked, "Uh...no...it's just a squirrel that was being chased by Turtle and I named him Nutty.....yeah that's it." Amy responded, Bruce stared at her weirdly and shrugged.

Bruce grabbed Nutty and called Ace over, "Ace! Take this squirrel outside please." Bruce said, "Ace, come on. Don't," Amy pleaded, Ace grabbed Nutty in his mouth and walked over to Amy.

He set him down on Amy's lap and smiled, "Here you go!" Ace said, "Good boy, Ace." Amy gave him a treat and Bruce frowned, "He listened to you? He usually only listens to me." Bruce said, "Uh....we've......bonded?" Amy shrugged, Ace licked Amy and sat down.

"Alright, Amy, get some rest. You have school tomorrow." Bruce said, Amy groaned and laid down. "Fine" Amy mumbled, Bruce told Ace, Turtle and Nutty to get out. They obeyed and she went to sleep.

And remember! Stay Whelmed!

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