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[picture attached is jaylon. vote, comment, enjoy]

"i just don't understand why they call them chicken fingers, they look nothing like fingers." niall shoves another chip into his mouth as he sits, ranting to ashton about chicken fingers/tenders.

ashton rolls his eyes. "i don't care. now, since lou and haz are too busy sucking faces, help me look for mikey, he's usually not this late."

niall sets his empty bag of chips down. "stop being so paranoid, he's three minutes late, not an hour, he's fine." but he none the less turns around in his chair to peer around the lunch room as well. it was very unusual for michael to be late, even if it is only three minutes. louis and harry even split apart from their make out session to look.

when michael walked into the lunchroom, they all sighed in relief. "michael!" harry called out, waving him over. michael looked where the voice came from and smiled, waving back. as he began walking to the table he was bumped to the side. he turned to see a random jock flicking him off and he frowned. but then luke walked in behind the jock, and it was okay.

luke made eye contact with michael as he walked by and the pink boy smiled at him, making the blonde look away without a second glance. the younger boy sighed, continuing his walk to the table. when he got there he was pulled into niall's lap. the short boy shifted until he was comfortable before he glanced back one more time, seeing luke staring at him as he sat at their table.

michael didn't smile this time.

"the food here tastes like dìck, and not in a good way." jaylon sat down at the table, setting down a bag of chips and an apple. jaylon was what you would call 'punk'. she spoke her mind, no matter what. she wore edgy clothing, her hair a bright purple, with a nose, lip, and eyebrow piercing to complete the look. she was the only girl in their friend group, yet she was 'manlier' than all of them.

michael couldn't help but laugh at her, she always seemed to brighten his mood. niall wrapped his arms around michael's tiny waist, leaning forward to rest his head on his shoulder as he spoke. "so mikey, your birthday is next month, any plans?"

everyone's attention turned towards him and his cheeks pinked slightly. he shrugged. "i was just gonna have all of you over my house like last year, we can eat cake and watch movies all night."

everyone resisted the urge to coo and ashton ran his hand through his hair. "sounds good babe."

"jay, do you wanna come over after school? i got new clothes and i wanna see if i look okay in them." michael looked down, playing with harry's sweater sleeves.

jaylon smiled, biting into her apple. "first of all, you look amazing in everything hun, but yeah, i'll come over, my mum's boyfriend is coming over anyways so i rather not be home."

michael smiled, twisting a strand of niall's hair as he snuggled closer to the fake blonde. "yay, okay."


"hi mrs. cain" michael said softly as he walked into the library.

she smiled. "hi hun, looking for a book?" he nodded. "go right ahead, let me know if you need help."

he thanked her before disappearing into the maze of shelves.

Michael hummed to himself, turning down another aisle of book shelf. he was searching for a book he needed for a project in his mythology class. it was silent in the room, no one ever uses it but the pink haired boy found it calming, plus, the librarian adores him.

he was half looking, half wasting time. he didn't feel like going to class so he was taking as long as possible (which made him feel like a rebel).

it was when he turned down the next aisle that his heart began to hammer in his chest, spotting the blonde beauty he adores so much. the tall boy seemed confused as he looked up and down the shelf, as if he had never been to a library before. now that he thinks about it, he's never seen him in here before.

he walked up to the older boy timidly. "you need help?"

luke looked over, seeing michael and averting his eyes to the shelf again. "uh, i'm trying to find a history book i need for class."

michael half grinned. "you might need to be in the history section for that."

luke began to blush, quickly hiding it as he snapped, "well where would that be?"

michael pointed to the shelves marked history and luke rolled his eyes, walking over there. michael couldn't help but follow. "why're you in here? no offense but libraries don't seem like your kind of thing. from what i hear you don't care about grades."

"i don't." luke quickly defended. "i just need to pass this assignment to end up barely passing."

michael frowned. "you should really try harder, don't you want to get into a good college?"

luke scoffed. "yeah, right. i'm too stupid to get into a college."

michael pulled his sleeves over his hands. "i-i don't think your stupid, i bet you're really smart, you just need to prove to people you are for them to treat you like you are."

luke stared at michael for a second, opening his mouth once before shutting it. he turned back towards the books. "what do you care anyways? aren't you scared of me? i shoved you into a locker already. your friends tell you to stay away from me, i think they're right."

"no, they can't say anything about you because they don't know you. i believe everyone has something beautiful and good in them, you just have to keep looking to find it."

with that he walked away, leaving luke staring after him in awe.

[ There it is, chapter two! I know it's a little slow but it'll pick up soon.

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