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picture attached is luke except he has his natural blond(e?) hair.

right off the bat michael was having a bad day. ashton couldn't come wake him up because he wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home. which left michael to fend for himself on how to get to school. he had told ashton that his mom could take him, which was a lie but he didn't want ashton to have to get up and take him when he was sick. 

so he set himself an alarm, which he didn't wake up to until ten minutes after it went off, making him late. he didn't have time to eat, which had him stressed out because michael needs something to eat before school or else he's anxious and grumpy and irritated. 

and no one likes a grumpy michael.

he pulled up his red skinny jeans, and threw on a black long sleeved shirt (he couldn't find a single sweater which made his day ten times worse) and red vans, running his hands through his hair. he quickly brushed his teeth, and grabbed his phone and keys before practically running out the door. 

he had to speed walk to school, keeping his head down as he walked past a group of kids who threw crumpled up papers at him. he was tired and hungry, stressed and upset, and he couldn't help the tears that welled up in his eyes. and thinking about it only made it worse.

because why is he crying? does he have to be such a baby? man up for once! he sniffled, turning the corner and spotting the school in the distance. he hurried there, dodging other late students, practically running through the halls to his classroom because michael is never late, and he doesn't want to start now.

but sadly, his day can only get worse. as he spots the door to his classroom, the bell goes off, meaning class has started. he tries to slip in unnoticed, but the teacher looks right at him, shaking her head.

"michael, first tardy of the year. i expected better."

"i-i'm sorry, i woke up late and-and didn't have a ride and-"

"i don't want to hear it, sit down." 

and michael cries on the inside because why can't he do anything right? he shuffles to his chair, blushing as he feels everyone's stares, including luke, who sits diagonal from him in this class, philosophy.

"okay everyone, get out the worksheet we were working on yesterday." 

and as michael looks down, his stomach drops. he forgot his bag at home. as everyone pulls it out, even luke, he sinks in his seat, feeling tears start to well again.

the teacher raises an eyebrow. "michael, where's your paper?"

and once again, everyone turns to look as him and it seems like the room is getting smaller. "i-i forgot my bag at home."

she rolls her eyes, handing him an extra sheet. "do you at least have a pencil?"

and that's when the first tear slips from his eye, landing on his cheek. he quickly wipes it off, shaking his head and the teacher scoffs, walking away and beginning to speak. 

michael tries hard to keep the tears in but another one rolls down his cheek and he's digging his nails into his thighs, willing himself to stop crying. to make matters worse, luke turns around in his chair to look at him. michael wipes his cheeks as they heat up again because he's supposed to be cool in front of luke, he'll never like him when he sees him crying like a baby.

he pretends not to notice luke as he reaches over, setting a pencil on michael's desk. he sees luke give a small, barely noticeable smile before turning around, acting as if nothing happened. michael slowly picks up the pencil, wondering why everyone hates luke so much. he bites his lip as a smile threatens to break out through his dried tears. 

he sat up, fixing his posture before focusing on the work again, filling out what he knows. he can only hope things look up from here.


michael sighed, standing outside the school. the rest of the day had gone okay, not great but not terrible. he got through all his classes and niall managed to cheer him up during lunch by being his lovable self as louis and jaylon argued over who was better, fall out boy or all time low, and harry sat, watching it all unfold in front of him with a goofy smile on his face like usual.

now it was after school and he had been sitting around the side of the building waiting for everyone to leave so he could walk home. he didn't want to risk his friends seeing him walking home by himself because then they'd tell ashton and ashton would get upset with him for lying. he hates when people get upset with him. 

when the last few students walked out and it was empty for a few minutes he pulled up his bag and down his sleeves before turning the corner and beginning his walk. he tucked a headphone into his ear as he walked, staring at his feet as they moved. before he could turn on his music he heard voices and he looked up, seeing the back of a familiar blonde's head. 

why does he run into luke so much? he thinks it may just be meant to be.

but as he moved closer, luke looked back to see who was walking towards them and michael's heart broke. there were tears running down his face as he stood next to the car and as they made eye contact, luke turned away, frantically wiping his tears. 

michael opened his mouth, not knowing what to do. before he could say anything, luke climbed into the passenger seat, and slammed the door shut. the person in the drivers seat, sped off, doing an illegal turn and michael could see the person driving looked like an older version of luke, a brother maybe. he was screaming at luke as they drove by and turned a corner, disappearing from his sight.

as michael slowly began to walk again and pressed shuffle on his music, he knew what he thought about luke was true. 

there was so much more to luke, under that cold exterior he puts on is something so much more. so much more complex and so much more beautiful. and michael made it his mission to bring that part of him out. 


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another chappie.

this story already has nearly 200 reads and it only has  four parts, that's amazing guys thank you. 

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see you next chapter <3

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