Movie Night

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Rose's POV
I walk to music room #3 with my math test on my mind. Maybe Kyoya can help me study. I'm so worried about my test I don't notice Honey trying to talk to me as I sit down on a couch. I also don't notice Hikaru and Kaoru and Tamaki and Haruhi trying to get my attention as well. I only notice the other members of the club when Kyoya sits down next to me.
"Math test coming up?" He asks.
"Yeah. I'm not to good with math... I don't know why I was placed the advanced class." I say and rest my head on his shoulder.
"You can come over to my house and I'll help you study if you want." He says.
"Yeah. Thanks." I say.
"Rose-chan! Can you hold Usa-chan for me?" Honey asks.
"Sure thing Honey." I say and he hands me the pink stuffed bunny. I place the bunny in my lad and because of the size of it I'm able to rest my chin on it. Kyoya chuckles and I glance over at him.
"What? Is something amusing?" I ask him.
"Yes. You." He says smiling and taps my nose. I just smile.
Kyoya's POV
I couldn't help smiling as I looked at Rose. She looked so innocent like that. Her eyes filled with happiness, but with a bit of sadness that only I see. Rose's eyes are one of the things I love most about her. Most of the time they are violet, but they change little with different moods. When she is sad they turn more of a dark purple. When she is mad her eyes are closer to blue. And when she is excited they turn periwinkle. There is one color they also turn though I'm not sure what emotion goes along with the color, light purple. I could get lost in her eyes.
~~time skip to Kyoya's house after they finish studying Rose's POV~~
We have been studying for a good 5 hours and I think I might ace this test. It's 11pm now. And it's started raining really hard, but there is no thunder.
"Kyoya lets go outside." I say.
"Rose it's raining." He says.
"I know! That's the point! It will be fun! I promise!" I say and he sighs and smiles at me.
"Alright just for a little bit." He says and grand 2 coats from his closet. He pulps on the first one and hands me the other one.
"Here I don't want you to be cold." He says.
"Okay." I say and we— well I—run outside. Kyoya walks. I spin in a circle with my head back and my arms out. I used to always go outside in the rain and run around, but father gets mad when I do that.
"Come one Kyoya!" I say because he is just standing in the doorway. He chuckles and walks over ti me.
"What do you find so appealing about this?" He asks.
"Oh you need to loosen up Kyoya!" I say and he shrugs and smiles. He picks me up and spins me then tosses me up, but catches me,for a moment I was worried he wouldn't catch me. He set me down, but had his arms around my waist. By now we were both drenched in the rain. Our lips connect and I loop my arms around his neck. I didn't want it to ever end. It felt like what rainbows are.... if that makes since... Kyoya pulled away and smirked.

"How's that for loosening up?" He asks.

"Oh shut up." I say smiling and we kiss again.

"There you 2 are! Kyoya your phone kept ringing." Akito says. Kyoya sighs.

"Did you see who was calling  me?" He asks.

"No." Akito says and Kyoya sighs again.

"Alright let's go inside Rose." Kyoya says. I nod. We dry off and head up to Kyoya's room. He picks up his phone and glares at the name next to the missed calls.

"Who was it?" I ask him.

"Tamaki." He says. He calls Tamaki with a very annoyed look on his face.

"Tamaki was is so very important?" He asks and puts it on speaker. 

"I just wanted to know when Rose is coming home!" Tamaki says. I look over to Kyoya and he looks over to me. That's a pretty good question.

"Not sure." I say.

"I'll call you back in a second." Kyoya says and hangs up.

"When do you want to go home? You can of course spend the night if you want." Kyoya says.

"If I spent the night where would I sleep?" I ask.

"Well you could have my bed or you could stay in the guest bed room." He says and there is a loud clap of thunder and I jump. "You could just stay with me." He says as there is another clap of thunder.

"I'd rather stay with you." I say and jump again as the thunder only gets louder. 

"I'll call Tamaki then." Kyoya says and there is a knock on the door.

"Come in." Kyoya says and Fuyumi walks in.

"Are staying the night Rose?" She asks smiling.

"Yeah." I say and her smile widens.

"Well if you want you can borrow something from me to sleep in." She says.

"Yeah. That would be great. Thanks Fuyumi." I say smiling and the 2 of us walk to her room.

"These should fit you!" Fuyumi says and hands me a pair of grey sweat pants and a black tank top.

"Thanks." I say.

"Not a problem! Oh and careful in the morning. Kyoya is not a morning person. At all. Seriously. Be careful when you wake him up." She says.

"Noted." I say and Walk back to Kyoya's room. He is already in his night clothes. A pair of black boxers. "Hey Kyoya when is somewhere I can change?" I ask him. He points to a door that I'm guessing is a bathroom as he pulls up Netflix on his Xbox.

"What movie do you want to watch?" He asks. 

"One of the Saw movies." I say and he nods. A minute later I'm changed into the grey sweat pants and tank top and I'm working on getting my hair into a french braid. I sit on the bed next to Kyoya and he presses play. It's the 4th Saw movie. 

~after the movie

I'm half asleep when the movie is over and kyoya turns off the TV. The thunder stopped about an hour ago. We're laying down and my head is on Kyoya's chest and he has an arm around my waist. My eyes are still open a little.

"You're eyes are light purple. Why?" He asks. I smile a little.

"I feel loved." I say and fall asleep to the sound of Kyoya's heart beat.


A/N: Hey!! In case you didn't know the Saw movies are horror movie there are like 7...






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