Chapter One | Not A Pleasent Surprise

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"Class is dismissed." Said Mr. Renner while erasing the complicated equations from the board. I sighed with relief knowing that I had only one more class until I headed home.

I picked up my stuff from the desk and put my term work on Mr. Renner's desk.

"Here is it." I said proudly. He looked at me then to my work and smiled a bit.

"Better late then never." He said.

"Come on Mr. Renner, you know I wasn't at school that day, I do my work on time. You know that." I said reminding him that for the 7th time. He laughed and nodded.

I exit the class and walked to my locker, struggling to put away my heavy ass books. Every single time.

"Let me help." Said Phoebe.

"Thanks Phoebes, I really need to do some push-ups. Seriously."

"What's your last period?" She said very excited.

"I think it's History and I'm guessing yours is Geography. That's why you're so excited." I said raising an eyebrow. She squealed.

Mr. Hemsworth teaches Geography and Phoebe has an embarrassingly ridiculous crush on him. I laughed.

"You're weird."

"You're mean." She said.

We walked through the B Hall and suddenly Phoebe started elbowing me furiously.

"Whatt?" I snapped.

"Mr. Ruffalo is coming. Uh-oh." She said pointing at him. Let me put it this way. Mr. Ruffalo is very very mad. All the time.

"Ms. Avery." He said walking through me. What did I even do?

"Yes?" I said smiling.

"You are failing history horribly and it's very ironic since your other lessons are all A's. You're staying after school." He said very bluntly.

"And I'll leave." Said Phoebe walking away and trying to hide her laugh. I'll get her for that.

"Why?" I said not understanding at all. Really. He sighed.

"I told you the reason. You'll be tutored. You need to fix this." He said walking away. Well this sucks. At least Mr. Renner tutors so that's not that bad. Mr. Renner is my favorite teacher so far. He's not like other stuck up teachers *cough* Mr. Ruffalo*cough*.

I walked slowly through the class and sat to the desk at the very front. Ms. Olsen teaches us History. The bell ringed and all the other students sat down. Jennifer sat next to me,my other best friend.

"Kat, I heard that Ms. Olsen quit." She said leaning over and whispering, looking around. As I was going to reply someone walked in.

"Hi class, I'm Mr. Evans and from now on I'll be teaching you history." Said writing his name on the board. Judging from behind, he looked fairly young. 26-27 maybe. He had a dirty blonde,brownish hair color. He was tall. As he turned around and leaned on his desk, my attention directly went to his gorgeous blue eyes. Like the ones in those porcelain dolls. 'God, he's good looking' I thought. I snapped from my thoughts when Jen whispered;

"He hot." I giggled.

"Do you have anything you'd like to share?" He said looking at me. What did I do. This is the second time today!

"No. N-Not really." I said. What's wrong with you Katherine? Don't you know how to speak English? He looked away from me not so pleased. This is not a good first impression.

"Since we don't know each other, let's play the good old name game, you stand up, tell your name, I ask a question and you may ask one question back to me. Let's start from you, you must be the chatty one in the class." He said looking back at me. Really? I stood up.

"Katherine Avery."

"Favorite lesson?" He said.

"Not history." I said and sit down. I wasn't going to bother asking any questions. I didn't cared at all. He gave me a weird look.

"Okay, you." He said looking at Jennifer.

"Jennifer Peony."

"Favorite lesson." He said. Is he going to ask the same question every single time?

"Uhm I don't know. None. How old are you?" She said.

"28." Wow 28? Isn't he a little bit young to be teaching?

The lesson went like that and finally the bell rang. I shoved my books into my backpack rushing through the door totally forgetting that I had to stay after school. But I'm not a very lucky person so as I was about to leave I see Mr. Ruffalo standing in the hallway and looking at me. Shit.

"Nope you're not going anywhere, nice try." He said. I rolled my eyes, turned around and walked slowly to the 'detention' room. It's weird they put the same kids that will be tutored and who actually got detention in the same room. I found a seat in the middle and sit down. There were only 3 people. Me,Chuck and Jasmine. I took out a test book and opened the math section. What? If I have free time I'm sure as hell not gonna waste it.

"Hey baby girl, what are you here for." Said Chuck with a smirk on his face. He's a senior like me. I sighed and turned to him.

"Not for you, that's for sure." He made a fake sad face then went somewhere else. I heard the door close. Good at least Mr. Renner isn't rude. I'm glad he's the tutor. But when I look over to the teachers desk I see, wait what was his name? Mr. Douchebag? Oh Mr. Evans.

"Okay, firstly you'll do these." He said handing the 3 of us some sheets. I glanced at the sheet. There were a few questions.

Katherine A. Avery.

2.Favorite Lesson :-)


4.Favorite Color

5.Favorite Movie/Book
Mission Impossible Series,Side Effects etc.

Stephen King novels in general.

6.Favorite Sport

I hand him the sheet. What a waste of time. I continued to solve equations.

"This is sad." I heard Mr. Evans say. I looked up at him. He was looking at my sheet. I didn't even bothered to ask him.

"Really? Mission Impossible?" He said again. I looked at him.

"When will Mr. Renner come?" I snapped. He seemed surprised.

"Why would he ?"

"He's the tutor." I said in a 'duh' tone.

I looked at the class. Jasmine and Chuck have already left.

"Well, not really. I'll be tutoring you." He said with a smirk and walked back to his desk.



Heyyy, welcome to my new story! This is the second fan fiction I'm writing but completely different from the first one. Let me know what you think ^_^ if you like it don't forget to ratee

Thank you stay fab and goodbye xxxx


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