Chapter 1 - Morning Routine

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"It's just a phase..." someone once told me "...every teenager goes through this stage, it'll pass." Is what they said and hahaha, how wrong they were. And now you'll be the first to know why.

"H-he just... He..."

"M'mam it is okay, take your time." said the officer in a calm manner

"Don't rush yourself, it's okay."

The shaken women takes a breathe as she settles herself down before taking another attempt at speaking

"He was never the violent type... he was a sweet boy he was, I-I don't know what drove him to commit such a thing! H-he.. he, oh my boy..."

My name is... My name is Jozey. And this is my story, my birth, this was the first time breathed the air of this broken world AND DECIDED!... And decided I'd fix it all... I am Jozey, and this is the story of the birth of this worlds savior, hahahaHahaHAHAha...

As the sun rose from its slumber, its rays of light beamed through the cracks of the boys curtains and in turn awoke him, Jay thought to himself as he turned to face the plain white ceiling of his room "Hm?... Another day of school hey. Great." this was the day he'd let it all go, he closed his eyes and thought to himself, Jay had had enough, all the pain of lose and the judgmental people around him, this wasn't the world he would like to carry on living in, not in this broken world no. But there was nothing he could do...

"I can help."

*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE-* Jay jumped at the sound of his alarm going off, his eyes now wide open awake from his deep thoughts, turning it off he stumbled out of bed and stood there for a moment "Who..."

Jay made his way to the bathroom to start his daily morning routine which consisted of: a bath, the brushing of his teeth, you know the usual. The only difference being the time he'd wake up, significantly earlier than a child who lived so close to their school needed to but this didn't seem in any way peculiar to him. This also could have been possibly because of the dreams... The same dream he'd always have. He'd be standing in the middle of a void black space with only one light shinning down on a chained being, they'd talk, it would tell him things and then he would wake up in a cold sweat. Weird...

As usual the house was dead silent, his mother & father would wake up a lot earlier for work, his siblings which consisted of a two sisters one aged 19 and the other 16, at a time like this they would all still be sleeping. Acknowledging this he made his way down stairs to prepare himself breakfast, a bowl a cereal.

Whilst making himself breakfast, he realized how sharp and blunt and just overall how everything could be used. Used to end it all. He spent some time looking at the selection of knifes laying before him, even picking on up and looking at it intensely. Jay was interrupted by a knock at the door and quickly put the knife away before answering the door

"Hey bro! Morning, how you doing?" said person energetically

It was Brody one of Jay's "friend" "Oh hey Brody, I'm good you know, happy and stuff."

"So you ready then?" Brody asked with a more slightly more downed tone.

"Ready?" Jay looked puzzled at Brody, had there been something he had forgotten.

"For the inspection fool, remember?"

It finally hit Jay, yes the inspection he thought to himself. His school finally hit the jackpot and was having an inspection to see whether the school was worthy enough to have new equipment and staff etc. to roll in.

"Oh yeah... Oh that's a pain, do we have to wear those weird uniforms too." Jozey asked but he already knew the answer to that.

"Well we cant be late, we have to come in early so lets get going bro."

"Look at the bright side" Brody says with more of an energetic tone "The latest episode of Naruto is coming out, GO TO GAI!"

Jozey laughs and nods in agreement "Yeah yeah, I suppose that is something to look forward to."

And with that they made there way out the house and towards school.

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