Chapter 8 - I am Jozey

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"When we lose someone, depending on how close they're to you, it will sometimes feel like you've lost a chunk of yourself. It will fill like you're and forever incomplete and the only way you can be fix again is if that person returns to you but that isn't always the case... But what then? If that person was the only thing that made you happy or even the only person that kept you going what becomes of you? Loneliness is as cruel as rejection." - Joel Samuel

Jozey sprung up in shock covered in a cold sweat, he had been laying on the ground of the abandoned building.. After a few seconds of staring into space he remember the events that just took place, he gritted his teeth crunch up his hand before hit it against the wall in anger making a sound that made any sleeping animals within the building sorry off in fright.

Jozey picked himself up with a stumbled, pats himself down and heads out of the building to the bar. On the way he couldn't stop thinking about what just had happened and felt a constant amount of rage & anger building up within him, Jeff noticed Jozey as he entered the bar and straight away served him a glass of Red Wine

"You don't look so good Kid, hard day of work?"

"Huh? Oh yeah... Something like that.."

"Hm.. Alright, well don't go to hard on yourself and slow down on the drinks too, know you you haha" Jozey tried a smile but it didn't last. He sat in the bar drinking for the next hour debating what he should do next and it finally came to him

"Why am I sitting her mopping about.. I'm Jozey not Jay." Jozey thought to himself as he stood up from his seat and left the bar taking the glass of win with him

"I'll just go kill just go save someone else." Jozey walked down the dark street wandering who would be his next victim he saw many possible people, a lonely girl walking home from school, a bunch of boys hanging out as a "gang" of some sort or maybe he could even go all the way and kill a few police officers the possibilities were endless "But who?" he asked himself

"Mommy can we buy some Candy?" the child asked his Mother cheerfully as he skipped down the road

"Kenny, not now honey, I'll buy you A WHOLE box tomorrow morning okay? For now we just need to go to Daddy." Jozey watched as the Mother & her son waited outside of the daycare center as a taxi pulled up, a man came out and hugged the Women "Must be the Father" Jozey said to himself as the family entered the car and began to drive off, Jozey smiled to himself, he had finally picked his victims. Jozey followed the taxi as it drove through the streets, it wasn't driving in a rush so Jozey could keep up with it, it eventually stopped at a small neighborhood where the family then exited the vehicle and entered a small white house door number 87. It was show time for Jozey. He snuck around to the side of the house where there was a small window, he pride the window open with a knife he had brought with him and pushed and shoved himself into the house, he was finally in.

The Father was already settled down and watching TV whilst drinking some light beer

"James darling, Mommy needs to get dinner ready, why don't you go play in your room okay?" the little boy nodded and made his way.

"Honey what is for dinner then?"

"You'll have to wait and see, surprise" she said with a smile

"Ah man okay cheeky haha" the Father went back to watching his show as another joint him on the couch next to him

"Hey Kenny, did you get bored of your toys already?"

"Oh no, Kenny's up stairs with his toys, I decided I'll toy with you instead." the Dad instantly turned around in surprise as he looked at the unfamiliar face

"Who, who the hell are you?!"

"I'm Jozey and I'm in a bad bad mood hahahHAHAHAHAha" Jozey stood up from the seat, picked up the mans beer and smashed it against his head knocking him down to the floor, the man stumbled back up

"Oooh looks like I caught myself a toughie, how exciting."

"Honey! Go up stairs to Kenny and lock the door!"

"Huh? Brandon why? Are you okay over there?"

"JUST DO IT! Quickly please.." the man looked at Jozey who was just standing there looked at him with crazed eyes, the Mother then walked out the kitchen walked into the living room

"Who is this then? A friend? Nice to meet you." Jozey turned to the woman, then to the man and then back to the woman before sprinting towards her

"Oh no you don't you fucker!" the Father launches himself into Jozey and they both fall to the ground the woman screams and starts to run to and up the stairs

"Oh no you don't you fucker!" the Father launches himself into Jozey and they both fall to the ground, the woman screams and starts to run to and up the stairs. Jozey kicks the man in the face freeing himself from his grip, they both stand up and face each other

"What the hell do you want?" the man shouts at Jozey demanding an answer

"I've had a long day and my bloodlust is just building up, so in short I. Need. BLOOD." the man looks at Jozey horrified by his answer but the look quickly changes to a more angry facial expression

"Well you came to the wrong house buddy" the Father then drives Jozey into the wall giving him a couple of punches before Jozey pushes him out of the way then giving him a few punch and then trips him up making him fall hard onto the ground. Jozey wipes out his knife and walks up the man who picks himself up straight away, Jozey goes in for a stab which hits the man in the arm, Jozey smiles but this doesn't stay there for long before the man punches Jozey in the face sending him flying into the ground, the man takes the knife out of his arm and begins to slice through the air as he gets closer and closer to Jozey. Just as the knife is about to hit Jozey, he stops the mans arm just in time the two struggle with Jozey trying to stop the man from stabbing him in the arm and the Father trying to drive the Knife into Jozey's chest


Jozey falls to the ground and holds his left cheek, the struggle was hard but in the end the man managed to slice at Jozey's cheek forcing him to the ground
"You cut me? With my own knife?!... YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Jozey gets back up and drives the man into the back of the couch where he flips over, Jozey meets him on the other side where he picks the man up by the head and SMASH it into the TV again and again and again. The man now lay with his head inside of the down broken TV, the sound of Kenny crying echoed from up stairs and Jozey smiled as he made his way to the stairs, he was just about to opened the leaving room door when

"Don't fuck with me!" the man was still conscious and had stumbled up slowly walking to Jozey, it appeared to Jozey that he was barely awake from the beating he gave him, Jozey smiled at his effort/dedication, but this was it for him Jozey sprung himself towards the man with the knife in his hand he was ready to take out the man

"This it it! NOW DRO-" The man swung a bat at Jozey which connected right with his face sending him flying right back into the ground with *BANG* like a   . "What the fuck hell just happened??!!" thought to himself, the man picks Jozey up by the collar and stairs him down

"I told you, you came to the wrong house punk. Now I won't kill you because that isn't me, it isn't human. But I will leave you to the police." and with that the man hits Jozey in the face knocking him out, he then calls up the police telling them about the situation at hand before dragging Jozey's body to the corner of the room where he begins to tie Jozey up with some rope.

"It's okay Jozey..." the voice said to him as he lay in a dark space
"Tsk. Okay? Please. I just got beat the fuck up.." Jozey sighed
"You were right. The weak do get stepped apon whilst the strong prevail, but WE aren't weak, WE are the stronger, you know why? Because WE are two sides of the same coin, WE have each others strengths and back and WE will rid this world of scum." the being sits back to back with Jozey
"Don't worry bro, I've got you, you just Go To Sleep for a while whilst I finish this off."

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