Chapter 9 - WE are Jozey

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"You've given up. Left everything behind and there is no longer anyone left in your life but you, you and the darkness and hurt that roams within you. It changes you, molds you into something that is no longer you, it scares you... It doesn't scare you. It eats at you.. It eats with you. It is you and you are it."

The wind blew violently through the streets, the moon covered by dark clouds leaving the streets as dark as the black void that fills the sky at night sky with the street lamps shinning bright like the stars that fills said night sky. A family headed home one night just like any other family would do after an outing, they did what any other family did, the Mother cooked up dinner, their son played with his toys in his room and the Father watched sports on the TV. Then he came. The family entered there house as a family and left as

"You were right. The weak do get stepped on whilst the strong prevail, but WE aren't weak, WE are the stronger, you know why? Because WE are two sides of the same coin, WE have each others strengths and back and WE will rid this world of scum." the being sits back to back with Jozey

"Don't worry bro, I've got you, you just Go To Sleep for a while whilst I finish this off."

The Father began to tie the intruder to the radiator located at the corner of the room

Jay sighed "You know I used to be as harmless as a fly" the man jumped back at Jay's sudden speech

"...Then I breathed in the air of this world... And we all know how toxic that is." Jay pulled of the rope and picked himself up

"So you're still up? Looks like I didn't hit you hard enough." said the man as he ready his bat

"Oh no you hit him with a fine swing, but now you have to deal with the both of us." the man yells at swings at Jay but he just moves to side dodging the bat with ease, man turns around quickly and swings again, Jay dodges. He swings again and Jay doges and then he swings again and Jay dodges.

"What the hell? Why can't I hit you?!!" the man was now breathing heavily, Jay looked at him with no emotion in his eyes, no expression on his face, the man gets angry runs to Jay wraps his arms around Jay and says "I'm going to crush you to death you scum!!"

"Huh?" Jay looks into the mans eyes

"I'm the scum?... Weren't you the one who said you wouldn't kill?" the man yells and begins to tighten his grip on Jay tighter and tighter

"Sorry I've been wasting time, I just wanted to see what type of man you were. You would do anything for your family, you seem to be living a wonderful life..."

"But haha"

"Not everyone gets a happy ending." Jay then bites the man's neck and rips his throat out, the man screams out, loosing his grip and falls back to the ground. Spitting out the chunk of meat Jay had in his mouth he walks up to the man, places his foot on his stomach and looks him in the eyes

"What do you see in our eyes? If I may ask sir" the man looks deep into their eyes

"D-demon..." Jay then for the first time shows an expression, for the first time his eyes show emotion. A psychotic smile is smeared all over his face and his eyes decreased in size making them look crazed and demonic

"Good. You got this now yeah?"

"Of course bro haha"

Jay begins to spaze out a bit before he breathes out and looks at the man

"I forgot to tell you my name before you hit me with that bat... I am-" Jozey smiles and chuckles "No. I mean WE are Jozey. Now... Drop Dead. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

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