Chapter 7 - Two Sides Of The Same Coin

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Today's Chapter's Life Quote:
"To survive in this world you have to go against all the rules and laws.. You have to accept the darkness in your heart and throw away your humanity to move forward. Only the strong prevail in this cruel Godforsaken world whilst the weak are stepped upon said strong unable to fight back.. That is our world." - Joel Samuel

Jozey had left the building and marched down the street still being illuminated by the lights provided by the street lights, he made his way to the closest clothes shop and proceeded to smash the window with a massive piece of brick.

"Make over time bitches haha!" Jozey flung clothes all over the shop looking for a suitable outfit, to him if he were going to go on a mass murdering run he'd at least have to look stylish whilst doing it. After about half an hour of rummaging through nearly all that the shop had to offer he had finally settled down with something

the outfit consisted of a pair of black shiny boots, dark brown jeans, a dark red shirt and a black leather jacket with all sorts of pockets, zips and locks/chains that went through it.

"Hey! You've made a right mess of my shop here!" A man hand stumbles into the now chaos reckoned shop, presumably he was the shops owner

"Oh is that so, my apologize haha" Jozey said cheerfully

"I've already called the police there on there way, looks like they will be a while so I'll do with you myself" the man bang making his way towards Jozey through all the mess

"Haha.. I'm sorry but I'll be the one dealing with you" Jozey reached into his pockets and rummaged round.. "That's weird..." he thought to himself as he check all the pockets.. It finally came to him, the knife he had been searching for was in his old set of clothes some where in the mess, Jozey needed a new weapon and quick but he was too late, the man was already in his face and drove a punch into Jozey's stomach.

"Looks like you're out of luck son." the shop keeper went in for another punch but Jozey beat him to it with a swift punch to up into his chin and Jozey then kept punching the man in his stomach continuous times into he coughed up blood

"Oh you son of a bitch HahahAHAHAhaha!!" Jozey put the man, now unable to move because of the amount of damage taken, up against the counter. Jozey picked up the massive piece of brick and walked back to the man

"You've freakin' got blood on my shirt! Like I know I picked red so it didn't look obvious when blood go onto me but still!!" the man just mumbled which could have been an insult or a plea for help who knows

"Oh don't worry it's cool, I'll just end this then hahaha, Now... Drop Dead." and with that Jozey smashed the brick into the mans head resulting in his death and blood everywhere

"What the actual fuck Jozey!!!"

"Huh? When did I? When did you?" Jay was now back into control of his body and was happy...


"Haha funny story really, you see whilst you slept I-"

"No don't give even say anything! I told you no more killing!"

"It wasn't even my fault, I was just getting some clothes and then this bastard came rolling in so I did the sensible thing and bashed his head in hahaha"

"You just think you can do whatever you like, that isn't how this is going to work! We're NOT sharing this body"

"You're bro, we're not sharing this body... Because I'm taking over it!"

"Wait what? What... do... What do!... do.. you....." Jay collapses on the ground

Jay awakes in the abandoned building that they made a home out of, he looks around the place inspecting every little thing, Jay knows what's up

"Jozey come out, I know we're in that dream state thing." Jozey walks out of the shadows and stand in front on Jay

"This is it Jay, we could of had something beautiful! Hahaha... But no, you just had to make things complicated."

"You think this is my fault?! You came into my life without any notice this isn't my fault! This is all YOUR fault!!"

"Haha.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! You don't get it yet do you... I'm... I'm you, well I'm all that negativity that has been building up in you for years, all I do is hate, that's just me. Whilst you... you, got that beautiful life of easiness friends, family. But once I got the chance to be FREE! I took a hold of it and I drove it right into the hurt of everything you had hahaha, you need to learn to toughen up Jay because this world isn't easy! This world isn't nice! THIS WORLD IS CRUEL FILLED WITH CRUEL PEOPLE WHO JUST WANT TO GET THERE OWN WAYS!! And guess what Jay! To survive in this world you have to go against all the rules and laws!! That's how this works." Jay had nothing to say his face shocked from Jozey's sudden out burst.

Jozey breathed heavily and settled himself down before carrying on "If you want this body you'll have to fight for it but then if you do some how manage to to win then you'll also have to survive in this dead God forsaken world.." and with that Jozey charges towards Jay knocking him down to the ground and proceeds to punch him in the face, Jay throws Jozey off, picking up a pipe he continuously hit Jozey

"I fucking know the pain of this world!! Trust me I do.." Jay stops hitting him with the pipe

"But there isn't anything I can do..." Jozey swipes his leg under Jay's making him fly to the ground

"That's because you're weak, only the strong prevail in a cruel world like this and the weak like you stepped apon by said strong." He picks up Jay by the collar and looks him in the eyes

"You don't need to endure this cruel world anymore Jay, I'll help you and be your savior I'll relief you of your pain so don't struggle" Jay puts his knife to Jays neck

"I'll save you Now... Drop Dead.. friend..." Jozey slices Jay's neck and slowly lays him on the ground

"Friend..." those were the last words Jay said before everything went dark.

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