Chapter 4 - Drop Dead.

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Jay awoke on his bed at home. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the light around him, the memories of the day slowly came flooding back to him, he silently cursed himself for being so weak. At the end of the day, he had been beaten up and didn't even put up much of a fight, he was just small fry to Jason...

He hated being weak.

Jay made his way out of bed to get a glass of water, his cheek still hurt from the punch he had not long ago received. In an attempt to walk he felt disorientated but quickly got himself together, he decided it would be better if he stayed in bed for a bit longer.

Everything felt so weird he called out for his Mom, no reply... He called again and again there was no reply.

"This is a pain." He thought to himself before getting up and off the bed.

"Yep a real pain." Jay spun around surprised by the voice that came from behind "W-who the hell??" There in the corner of his room, a figure stood.

"Yooo, how you feeling there? Upset? Angry?" Jozey questioned Jay but Jay was too surprised to answer

"Cat got your tongue" the figure laughed "Haha sorry, I had to, always want to say that phrase you know"

"Jozey? The hell are you doing in my house?" Jay asked in response

"Well that's a rude way to talk to yourself isn't, Jay?" Jozey walked out of the corner to reveal... Jay??!

"How? What" says Jozey as the other Jozey mimics him by mouthing the same words laughing straight after.

"Oh yeah... surprise! I'm you, or no actually.. I'm better."

"How is this happening??!"

"You see, you're too weak. You're a disgrace, and I!.. I can't accept that. I don't like that." Jay looks puzzled at the other Jozey and slowly starts to back away

"You're knocked out right now, looking like the wimp you're but I'm here to change that you see." they look at each other intensely in silence but this is broken almost instantly as Jay attempts to run

"Oh yeah great now he's running like a wimp." Jozey sighs and walks after Jay.

"There is no point in running you know. There is no out of here" Jozey had appeared in front of Jay, just out of thin air

"Your time is up and mine is just beginning" Jay slowly backs away from Jozey

"You didn't prove yourself, you've lost."

"No, no, stay away from me! The hell do you think you are!!"

"I'm.. I'm... I'm Jozey." Jozey says with confident as he break out into a psychotic laugh

And in that moment everything seemed to go black... And then it happened.

Jason started to walk away from Jay, it seemed like the punch had just happened, it seemed like everything had just gone on pause...

"Hm? Oh this is nice. Me like. Me like a lot haha!" Jozey says as he picks himself up in a way a sloppy manner. Jason then turns around surprised "You're.. You're still able to move? Well okay, looks like I didn't hit you hard enough."

"Oh no no you did. Well him really." Jozey states as he slowly walks towards Jason

"But see... now you have to deal with me, hahaHAhah-" Jozey suddenly starts to move violently on the spot, his movement similar to as though he were in some sort of rag-doll mode being pulled from ever part of his body in all sorts of directions, and all of a sudden he stops. Stands up straight, snaps his neck in one direction and then in the other and says "I. Am. Jozey. And I'm really REALLY thirsty." and with that he starts to laugh psychotically and begins to slowly walk up to Jason.

Jason was confused but didn't really care, he just wanted to actually knock out Jay this time. Jason then runs up to Jozey and swings at him, Jozey catches Jason's punch to Jason's surprise. Jay then pulls Jason towards him punching him in the face, Jason stumbles back and looks up at Jay who is standing there waving

"Lucky hit bitch." Jason says to Jay as he swings a kick at Jay which connects with his face throwing him back

"Ow! That really hurt hahaHAHAhaha, oh God haha.." Jason confused just swings at Jay again and again and again all of them connecting with Jozey's face but Jozey to looks back at him unimpressed "Ow." Jozey says before grabbing Jason by the shoulders, pulling him towards himself and driving his knee hard into Jason's stomach. With that Jason falls onto his knees, Jozey then kicks Jason in the face sending him flying back first to the ground.

Jozey slowly approaches Jason "Now I really don't understand guys like you. You put out act like you're so strong when you're just so weak haha." Jason starts to back away but Jozey does not allow it, he stomps he foot onto Jason's knee "Wander what happens if I pull your leg now hey? Hahahaha" Jozey then yanks and pulls at Jason's leg in a direction it really shouldn't going in and eventually... CRACK the sound echoed through out the canteen. Jason's leg was broken.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGH!!" Jason scream was horrendous

"AhahahHAHAahHAHAHAHAHhaha! That sounded SO beautiful you don't even know!!" Jozey states "And that scream too, not even a shout but a SCREAM! AHAHAHA!!" Jozey was enjoying ever second of Jason's agony.

Jozey went through his blazer and pulled out a knife "Jay picked this beauty right from his kitchen you know. And I think I should at least be kind enough to use it haha" Jozey then sits on top of Jason

"Oh I'm gonna make something today Jason" Jozey grated through grit teeth, seliva dripping out of his mouth

The canteen was now dead silent, no one moved.

"I'm going to carve you Jason... this knife will be entering that sweet sweet neck of yours and Fuck! It will be beautiful ahahahHAHahaha, I've always wanted to do this" he said, as he playfully pressed the knife against Jason's neck

"Y... Y-you wouldn't dare! J-Jay isn't like that, you wouldn't do this!" Jason's shouts panting

"Yeah you're right" Jozey says as he begins to withdraw the blade "Jay wouldn't do something like this... It's a shame that you have me then isn't it hahaha, Jozey!"

"Now... Drop Dead."

All you had to do was blink. And you would have missed it.. The knife has quick but swift as it pasted Jason's neck. The movement had been like lightning, you wouldn't even have registered it. AND WITHIN MOMENTS blood was gushing out, Jozey began to laugh at the sight of all the blood around his laugh began to get more and more psychotic by the second, his pupils decreasing in size.. The look in his eyes... They were no longer sane... No longer human.

Slowly the insane grin on Jozey's face disappeared as his grip on the handle grew lax.

"Wait... What... What have I done?!!"

He let go of the knife, the sound echoing through out the canteen as it dropped onto the ground.

The canteen screamed. 

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