Chapter 3 - Confrontations

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It was now the end of the lesson and the beginning of break, as usual Jay made his way to the end of the feel where he'd spend his break times and some of his lunch, there he met up with King one of his best friends. King was the fun energetic type, he also had the same view of the world as Jay which is also a reason why Jay picked him as a best friend

"Yo King, how was lesson?" Jay as he lays down on the dry grass

"Bad. Felt like I was going to wither away"

"Same, also got in trouble because of Jason and his cocky self, tsk."

"Oh he's still giving you problems, I still don't like him either"

"Yeah I know, I'm just really tired of it all bro"

"I know the feeling."

Me and King spent the rest of break talking about games and the latest of our Anime episodes (One Piece Episode 703 WAS AWESOME! Partly because Trafalgar my guy haha), but as the saying goes "Time flies when you're having fun" before very long Jay was back in the people populated class room, AKA Hells dungeon full of demons, and just like ever other previous class this one was slow but different, well not the class itself but Jay was. He didn't do much of the work and spent most of the lesson just daydreaming and drawing, he couldn't shift the though of just wanting to get back at everyone, just being in the class room made him angry but he just ignored the feeling, looking around he soon met as with Jason he was staring at him "Well this isn't good he though to himself"

Jason stood up from his seat and made his way to Jay and sat next to him

"What?" Jay asked immediately

"Just wanted to see what were up to" in saying this he takes Jays working/drawings and studies them

"Well you don't need to, now give them back and go away."

"That isn't very nice" he says as he carries on to look through Jay's work "Some weird stuff you're drawing here bro, you think you need help?" he asked with a chuckle

Jay just took back his work and carried onto draw

"Oh did I make you sad? Sorry my bad"

"I don't get said, just go back already"

"Okay jeez, don't need to cry about it"

"Does it look like I'm crying?!" the teacher looked up at Jay and gave him a stern look

"Ooh, don't need to shout bro, making a scene"

Jay didn't know whether Jason was just bored and wanted to make him angry or if he was just being his usual dick self

"Look just do yourself a favor and fuck off."

"Alright fine, don't tell me to fuck off you faggot"

"What the hell is your problem?!" Jay stood up pushing his chair back violently

"Do you just THINK that you're some kind of boss and you can just do whatever the hell you want?!"

"Hahaha, um yeah, that's why you're going to sit back down before I have to punch you in the face" with these words a mass amount of rage brought apon Jay and with rage comes unwanted actions, Jay grabbed Jason by the his shirt

"I'm getting really tired of your rubbish" Jason then kicks Jay in the stomach and pushes him over

"Oh it is on" Jason says he ready's his fist to give a blow at Jay but before he could do anything the teacher had already made his way to the situation and stopped Jason before anything else could be done, Jay was still on the floor trying to catch his breath

"I can't believe it ended up like this" Jay thought to himself, he really didn't know what was going on with himself anymore, he picked himself up and he and Jason were both sent out of the class room. The air was tense and silent before Jason decided to speak

"I'm going to hurt you so after this" ad in response Jay just looked away, their teacher finally came out to talk to them, he let Jason go with a warning but Jay he told him that he'd be calling his parents and that he'd losing his lunch

He didn't even care about any of this, he just wanted to go home and sleep, to forget about this whole stupid day.

Lunch finally came, Jay was supposed to heading to his detention he was given by his science teacher but he really didn't care about that and decided he'd just go straight to the canteen, in arriving there he did the usual/normal thing and waited in line for the food grabbed a baguette & a drink and sat down alone, he didn't really hang out with anyone except his close friends who were most likely at the back of the field right now.

Sitting there alone Jay thought to himself, "What is the point in trying anymore? What is it that I will achieve in life?"

"What does it take to survive in this world? I hate this world so much, people judge you no matter what, they call you names because they can, beat you up because you're weak, use you because you're gullible. Nothing is right in this world.. Nothing."

"All the people like that should just drop dead..."

Jay sat in silence for the rest of his meal continuing to ponder about his life and what he plans to do with it, there wasn't anything else to today. Or so he thought...

"Hey, Jozey right? Haha, you're a weird child you know that." the sinister voice sneered from behind him followed by a fake laugh. "I know that voice..." Jay thought to himself as he snapped out of his thoughtful state "of course it had to be him and of course it had to be now." Jason swung his arm around Jay's neck "Hey buddy'o'pal, what you saying?" Jason says in a cheerful way but Jozey knows what's up, everyone in the canteen now knows what's up.

"Jason. Can we not do this now." Jay says in an irritated tone of voice

"Not do this now?" Jason chuckles "I don't know what you mean."

Jay just sternly looks at Jason with a serious look

"Okay fine, I'll cut to the chase. I pretty sure you remember when I said I'd get you back for what you tried to pull off in class" Jason pulls Jay up and off his seat forcing me onto my feet

"And to tell the truth I wasn't actually expecting you to try something like that but either way I'm not happy and have to teach you a lesson" Jason wastes no time and punches Jay directly in the abdomen forcing Jay to his knees, at this point the whole of the canteen was now all eyes on the fight between Jay and Jason

Jason then kicks Jozey, again and again and again "Hey! Get up" Jason says with a snicker

Jay picks him self up and looks at Jason "Tsk. I've been waiting for this day as much as you have" and with that Jay takes a swing at Jason but he blocks, this fight is already at a clear disadvantage because of Jason's martial arts background.

Jason then pulls Jozey towards him connecting his fist to his face, Jay is down and bleed from his nose!

"I was going to give you a right beating but since we're friends and I'm not that angry I think I'll just finish you here." Jason pulls Jozey up by his collar and ready's his fist

"Anything to say fool?"

Jay just looks up at Jason and says "T-this isn't over baka." and with that Jay received a tremendous punch from Jason knocking him out instantly.

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