Chapter 2 - Always Been Here

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School. The hell for every child and the personal heaven for all the go to learners. Jay despised school nearly as much as he HATED the people around him, it was the source of all his stress and anger, he just wished it would burn. But what can you do hey he'd always say to himself.

In entering the school Jay realized the large amount of people, running around busy doing whatever. It felt weird, they were people he'd see everyday but it was only today did he realize the sheer amount "They're all so happy..." he said to himself, Jay then snapped out of his little dazed moment for he was sure that people were now looking at him for he was just standing there with a blank expression on his face, with that he made his way to his first class.

The day was painfully slow, because of the inspection all the teachers were putting on face, pretending to be nicer than their usual selfs and trying to make the lesson more "fun" for the children. Jay just rested his head on the desk, not really paying any attention to what the teacher was babbling on about, the voices around him began to sound more and more muffled, his eyes began to feel heavy as he slowly began to shut them. Slowly... Slowly...

Jay awoke, now in his room, what was he doing here. He stood up from his bed and made his way to his bedroom door

"Boring class hey" the voice came from the opposite end of his room. Jay turned around, there in the corner of the room was a figure, Jay could just make out the shape of his body for he was stood in a darkened corner as though not wanting to be seen

"W-who are you?" Jay said confused

"Oh me? You can call me... Jozey. Yeah, I'm Jozey." He said with a smile

"Hey? Um I'm Jay, nice to meet you I suppose"

"Yeah I know who you're and nice to final meet you"


"Yes, I've always been here Jay, you've just never noticed.. But now you'll never miss me."

"What? What do you mean? I'm still confused, what am I doing here by the-"

"You'll find out soon. Just wait for that knock out." Jozey says and cracks out into a laugh

This was weird, Jay just wanted answers and just as he was about to question Jozey some more he noticed a mass amount of laughing coming out of no wear, Jay listened more carefully and could now hear a clear voice. They said... They said.. "Jay.. Jay... Jay!"

"JAY" the teacher shouted at Jay before he sprung out of his seat

"Y-yes Jozey!"

"Jozey?" the teacher asked puzzled "Jay, I was asking you to help show the class an example of an electron with Jason"

Jay just stood dazed before he finally snapped back into reality

"Oh okay, yes miss, sorry miss." and with that he made his way to the front of the class, walking there Jay stumbles onto the ground, the class begins to laugh again

"Woops, sorry Jozey" said a voice coming from behind him, it was Jason "Didn't see you there" he says laughing as made his way to the front of the class, Jay picked himself up and walked over to the front of the class with Jason

"Just shut up, lets just do this okay." as Jay said this Jason turned himself around to face him

"Wait. What was that?" Jay looks at Jason puzzled for a moment before realizing he was talking about the comment that he had just made "was this really happening?" Jay thought to himself, he just sighed and replied

"I said lets just do this"

"Oh no, I remember a shut up in there, watch yourself you know I'm smarter than you. I don't even need you for this." and with that Jason walks past Jay pushing him out of the way.

Jay really didn't like Jason, he thought himself as the smartest guy ever, even though they were friends-ISH he was still one of the most annoying guys at school, Jay didn't want to be annoyed any further, plus trying anything against Jason wouldn't end well anyway he was a lot stronger than him, with in mind Jay just walked back to his desk

"Um Jay, where do you think you're going?" asked to teacher

"Back to my desk."

"And why is that?"

"Because I want to, I'm not going up there with him"

"Well you have no choice, go up there now Jay"


"What was that?"

"I SAID NO!" the class stopped what they were doing and all attention was now on Jay and the teacher

"Jay! You don't speak to me like that! Now get to the front of the class with Jason now!"

"Like fuck I'm going to do that! I don't give a shit about any of you people, especially HIM! So when I say I'm not going up there, I fucking mean I'M NOT GOING UP THERE!" Jay breathed heavily, the rage was now coursing through out his whole body, he really had had enough, the class had now gone silent and Jay just looked around and then back at the teacher who stood there speechless

"M-miss, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout like that.."

"You best be sorry because you just earned yourself a detention at lunch and an hours detention after school, now sit down!" with that Jay sat down in silence, he didn't know what the hell just happened, he didn't normally get that angry that quickly..

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