Chapter 6 - Four Weeks Later

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Today's Chapter's Life Quote:
"Just when you feel as if your life is going in the right way, the way you always wanted, it's only a matter of time before life finds a way to kick you back into the dirt. But is that it? Do you just curl into a ball and lay in that dirt or do you pick yourself back up, say fuck it and fight back.. Your choice."

"What seemed to be an average, even special, school inspection day at Winterstill High School quickly turned into a murder case. Teenage boy Jay aged 16 took the life of fellow friend and class member Jason Hawk after an apparent dispute between the two. The killer was then said to escape via an ally way located at the back of the schools field where he proceeded to take the lives of two police officers, who were pursuing him at the time.

The where bouts of the young child/teenager gone killer is currently unknown but police are carrying on..."

This is what all newspapers were talking about for the past few weeks, it had been about four weeks since the incident but police had already dropped the case..

Jay sat and watched his half full glass of red wine as he forever pondered away about things that varied from different things such as;

He was now living in an abandoned building located not far away from the city but far enough that the only sign of life were the small animals that would pay him a visit from time to time, he spent most of his time in the bar that only a few weeks he had stumbled apon after getting away from school, AKA the crime scene, here he fought a bunch of rude dudes and because of this the bartender also owner known as Jeff allowed him four free drinks every night, for this reason the bar became a place that Jay could go down to to drown his sorrows in his now favorite beverage Red Wine.

For the past few weeks all Jay could do was think about the events that transpired just only a there he was nothing else... Just the memories. he would walk around during the day looking at how others leaved their life's and think about what he lost, but the weird thing was he didn't feel anything, there was no sorrow, regret or even guilt for taking a persons life.. To him all there was was just a black empty void he couldn't fill. He had finally gotten away from the life he wanted to to leave and was set on a path of whatever the hell he wanted but even so he didn't know what.. He didn't know what to do. He had no purpose, all there was was a wasted life he had to live, suicide was and still isn't an option to him, it never will be.

Jay lay on a lengthy piece of fabric as he stared intently at the moldy ceiling

"Murder..." Jozey suddenly said

"It's in my nature to kill right? So we might as well utilize it."

"How so?" Jay asked with no expression at all

"Well we can start picking off people, by that I obviously mean killing them, but in doing so we can also take there money and clothes and stuff. I clench my blood thirst and we get basic clothing and money, it's a win win situation"

"No." Jay responded bluntly

"No? What do you mean?

"I mean no. We've killed enough people, If we keep going it'll never end and for what?"


"No no! Don't even try use that as an excuse, you kill who you like when you like."

A small wind blow through the building and everything got quiet for a while...

"We'll find a way to live our lives without having to kill, now goodnight." Jay closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

The sun slowly sunk into its slumber as night began merging through the sky, Jozey sat up from his previous sleeping position and smiled, then followed up with a horrendous laugh which sent pigeons within the area flying

"HahahHAHAHhaha!! Oh Jay... "

It was obvious that he had many plans and they would ALL be bad...

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