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Day cringes lightly as she hid behind Cera, getting out her knife, ready to attack anyone. "Hide me from this..P-Please"


"Okay, Day, how about we just go back to my place? I think that this is gonna get pretty bad..." Cera mumbled.


"YOU'RE GONNA MISS THE FIGHT!" Lauren shouted, whilst Kim fell over laughing, because that's how she is.

"Fight?" Shift whined.

"There will be soon," Stache growled.

"If Moustache gets out of hand, we can go hide in your bedroom~" Virus whispered to Glitch, yet loud enough for Stache to hear it anyways.

"Alright," Stache jumped up, knocking Kim out of the way and lunging at Virus, knocking him against the wall and pinning him there with his knife to his neck. Virus didn't seem fazed at all.

"Well," Kim rubbed her head. "You weren't wrong.."

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