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~~joeys pov~~
We stared into each other's eyes like we always did. Then laugh about how weird we are. "We should get going"I said taking her hand. "Yeah it's real late"she said looking down at her watch. We walked hand and hand till we got to her door. "Alright I'll see you in the morning snuggle bug" I said hugging her and giving her a quick kiss on the lips. "Hey that wasn't a real kiss get back here" Brooke said with her arms crossed. I went up to her and cupped her face and gave her a the kiss she wanted. "Was that good one" I said while laughing."oh yeah" she said nodding her head."alright goodnight for real this time" I said while smiling. "Goodnight" she said while going in her dorm. And I did the same. Except when I opened the door I hit billy in the head. "Ow jeezz" billy said rubbing his head. "That what you get for eavesdropping " I said taking my shirt off and getting in bed."so you guys official" he asked. "Yup" I said smiling and closing my eyes laying down."  My plan worked" he said. "Yeah yeah I'm going to sleep" I said."alright me to sweet dreams lover boy" billy said turning the lights off.

~~Brooklyns pov ~~
I sat on my bed then looked at my boxes. I wonder if my dad brought my computer. I hope so. I looked through my boxes ,one had my favorite books, a couple of my sketch books, my pencil pouch with my good drawing pencils, and school supplies. The next box had my computer. Yaaaay! I took it out and placed it on my desk and plugged it in. I waited for it to load up. Then when I got on I decided to check my email emails to see if my friends had said anything. Then I saw an email from my best friend Vanessa.

Dear Brooke ,
      Hey it's nessa. How's it going at Regis?Any cute boys there? I got suspended again for getting in a fight. One more suspension and I'll be out of there. I wanna go to Regis with you so we can be roomies. I'll bring the "good good" too like the old times. Get back to me soon. I miss ya.

Man I miss her. I'm going to get back to her tomorrow cause I need sleep. Oh and if you were wondering what the "good good" is its cigars and alcohol. Yes I know your thinking "Brooke smoking is bad for you,and you shouldn't be drinking either" yeah I know we only did it occasionally. But anyways I put my pjs on and went to sleep.


Next morning

~~Brooklyns pov ~~
I woke up 10 minutes before my alarm clock went off. Which was pretty impressive considering i went to bed at 1:00 last night. What sucked was I have to wake up early then usual so I can take a shower. Because that would be super awkward if a boy came in which could happen so I try to be quick. I grabbed my clothes , soap, and towel. Off to the showers I go. I had to say the showers are pretty nice here. I went in and heard a shower on. Shit. It was to late to run out because they heard me. "Hello,who's here?" A familiar voice called out. "Joey it's Brooke" I said hoping it was him. Oh hey Brooke whatcha doing in here" he said coming out of the shower. "Waiting for a  pervert to come in and see me naked" I said sarcastically. HOLY SHITFGFGGC HE LOOKS HOT. I tried not to stare at him but it was hard but hey he's my boyfriend so it's all good. "Um could you stop looking so damn hot and put clothes on" I said. He just bit his lip and ran his fingers through his hair knowing how good he looked. "JOEY !"I said. THIS BOI BETTER STOP." I'm getting in the shower now can you make sure no one comes in" I asked. The thought of him seeing me naked was nerve racking enough never mind a random guy. "Sure thing snuggle bug" he said. I took my clothes off and started washing up. I started singing too.
"Hey now, hey now
Don't dream it's over
Hey now, hey now
When the world comes in
They come, they come
To build a wall between us
We know they won't win" I sang . "Wow Brooke you have a really nice voice ,you know" he said. "Thanks" I said coming out of the shower drying my hair with my towel. "I know how to play that song on the guitar,maybe we could  do a duet"He said looking at me with excitement. "That sounds like fun"I said looking up at him. I'm gonna finish getting ready in my room. "Can I come I don't really feel like listening to billy snore for 2 more hours" he said chuckling. "That's fine" I said laughing a little. "I just got to do my hair , makeup,and organize my school supplies" I said. "Why do you wear makeup?" He asked. "To make me look less like a gremlin" I said. "Oh stop exaggerating you look gorgeous without makeup" he said laughing at my answer. "Thanks" I said. We talked about classes and stuff and how we might skip tomorrow. When we got there I still had plenty of time to get ready I had like 2 hours and 30 minutes. I sat at my vanity and did my hair and makeup while Joey talked to me.

~~joeys pov~~
"What's that stuff your putting on" I asked. "Blush" she replied while dapping it on my cheeks. "Brooke come on I don't want make up" I said. "Aw but you looked so cute" she said wiping it off with these cotton pads that were wet. "Yeah I think it looks better on you than me" I said looking in the mirror at her. "Hey can you do me a favor?"she asked. "Yeah sure" I said. "Look in that box and grab the plastic bag that says school supplies oh and you can have one of the sketch books"she said while brushing her hair. "Thanks are you sure I said looking at the empty sketch book. I could really use a a new one anyways mine is almost full. "Your welcome" she said looking back at me. "What do you want me to do with the school supplies?" I asked. "Can you organize it and label things" she asked. "Yeah sure"I said I didn't really mind it I was bored so I now I had something to do. "My schedule is on my night stand" she said. "Oh ok" I said looking at it. "We have every class together besides English you have English with Hank though" I said. "Oh good" she said turning to me. "Shot"she said annoyed. "What's wrong?" I asked while labeling her notebooks. "My makeup looks horrible I'm just gonna not wear any today"she said while wiping her face. "Oh I thought it was because you forgot to snuggle me today" I mumbled. "What?" She asked."did say I forgot to snuggle up you?" She asked acting like she can't hear me. "Oh you heard me come over here"I said holding my arms out and she came over and sat on my lap and hugged me then she kissed me on the lips. Then after all of that. We went down to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Hey guys what's up how are you liking the story so far. There will be more to come. Like always thanks for reading ✌️😊

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