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~~Joey pov~~
"So what do you wanna do now?"I asked while we were sitting on here bed. "Well I wanna try one of my outfits"she said taking the clothes I got her. "So you like it?"I asked as she held up the clothes in front of her. "Yeah I love it good job babe"she said giving me a quick peck on the lips. "Try it on" I said turning around."you don't have to turn around you know" she said. "Oh I thought you would want privacy" I said kinda embarrassed. "Is it your first time seeing a girl in a bra and panties?"she said grinning. "No"I said slightly embarrassed.

~~Brooklyns pov~~
I looked over to Joey who was blushing so much it was so cute. I just started taking my clothes off like it was normal. But as I looked at him I could feel his eyes observing my body. He didn't blink once. I had my shirt on so know it was just my skirt I had to take off. "What you like what you see?"I said shimming my hips. God why. He just nodded and lick his lips while running his fingers through his hair. I was fully clothed now. "So how does it look?" I said turning in a circle. "You look great"he said getting up and putting my hair behind my ear."thanks"I said kissing his cheek. "Dinner time is soon"he said looking at his watch. "Ok in the meantime I'm gonna take a nap"I said laying on my bed. "I'll join"he said laying next to me. "Joey"I said playing with his fingers. "Where did you get this ring?"I asked. "Its from an old friend back at my home town" he said. "Tell me about him or her" I said turning to him. "Well his name was Alex James people called him Aj" he said. "I wish I could have one of those cool nicknames Aj, Bj, Cj, Dj, but Bh would sound weird" I said smiling. "You don't like the nicknames you have snuggle bug, baby cakes, brookie, and brookster." He said giggling a little. "Eh there cool I guess" I said jokingly. He just laughed and carried on with the story. "So like what I was saying Aj was my best friend we would hang out all the time like us minus the flirting,kissing,snuggling and etc" he said. "Yeah I get it get to the point" I said laughing at him. "Alright alright" he said while laughing. "So his dad worked at this jewelry company right, so one day we went there and we were looking at rings and one ring caught our eye, so right after that we started saving up money to buy it and we bought it sense it was one ring we had a rule you could wear the ring for two days then it was the others turn and you could wear it if it was your birthday too we carried that on for a very long time .He was my first friend I had we known each sense we were 6 years old till we were in 8th grade. Because that's when my dad decided to have me go to this school because I'd always get in trouble and he thought Aj wasn't a good influence on me. So right before I left I asked who's gonna keep the ring? He told me to keep it so I'd never forget him and I gave him my lucky hat. And then we never saw each other again. But it was for the best we were better off a lone we would always get in tons of trouble at school. He also got caught up in drugs and it really changed him 3 months later he died from an overdose he was only 15 Joey said. "I'm sorry" I said hugging him and kissing his cheek. I could hear quite sniffles and crys. I never seen him cry before it really breaks my heart to see him like that. Then he let go of me. "It's ok to cry"I said stroking his cheek and wiping his tears. "Thanks for that" he said smiling. "Anytime"I said smiling and remembering the time he held me when I was crying. "You ready for dinner?" I asked taking his hand in mine. "Yeah let's go he said wrapping his arm around me.
And that's that sorry for the short chapters. But I never said thank you for over 1.43k reads that's amazing I'd never thought I'd come this far  thank you so much I love yall and like always thanks for reading ✌️😊

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